you must be pretty talented
to want to make me stay up late
to want to actually tolerate
when im in this mind state
as i begin to assimilate
your words help me concentrate
so now its later
youve become my midnite invader
moonlit giggles -more to come later
flirting in darkness lit up by a box
i'll become the rabbit, and you the...
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to want to make me stay up late
to want to actually tolerate
when im in this mind state
as i begin to assimilate
your words help me concentrate
so now its later
youve become my midnite invader
moonlit giggles -more to come later
flirting in darkness lit up by a box
i'll become the rabbit, and you the...
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hey monkey dearie, im heading down to knoxville to the kynd peeps i remember but im gonna try to get my bootie to the cherry before then.
tomorrow is my moms 44th bday and i already got all the balloons and decorations to go in on a stealth bomber expedition in the middle of the night to decorate like a clown on acid LOL I...
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tomorrow is my moms 44th bday and i already got all the balloons and decorations to go in on a stealth bomber expedition in the middle of the night to decorate like a clown on acid LOL I...
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heeeey. come back, i was about to click off of away!
i was writing a post!
i was writing a post!
shit....youre right!
how did i forget them?
how did i forget them?
ok kira while im still here my goal is to come to wild cherries <i think thats what it is> and meet ya
"While I'm still here"?!?! where ya goin?
things are definitely not what they seem.
you should come to wild cherries this friday night and hang out with me. there's more info in the detroit group about it...
wow ive been ever so chipper lately LOL
i think i want to skip the trey shows. i want to sell my tickets and save for dead tour, or just hit all of dark star orchestras shows, where I KNOW kind people will be. where I KNOW steve wont be, which is a plus. and i wont run into the same jackasses i always do....
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i think i want to skip the trey shows. i want to sell my tickets and save for dead tour, or just hit all of dark star orchestras shows, where I KNOW kind people will be. where I KNOW steve wont be, which is a plus. and i wont run into the same jackasses i always do....
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are you agitated at me or somethin?
i might be online...dunno. might be at krissies but i am not sure yet.
i just thought you were the way you signed off.
i just thought you were the way you signed off.
what am i doing what am i thinking am i coming or am i going.
i am totally lost right now, i completley feel like im being pulled back into this realm i was in a long time ago. im regressing to a point that i didnt think id remember, and regressing the word for most would have a negative conotation but for me its...
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i am totally lost right now, i completley feel like im being pulled back into this realm i was in a long time ago. im regressing to a point that i didnt think id remember, and regressing the word for most would have a negative conotation but for me its...
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did i say something wrong?
No...I did. You're right - I totally don't understand. They're your journals - write everything you want and ignore retarded comments like the one I made last night - I was talking out of my ass.
I'm sorry everything feels so off right now. Regressing isn't a pro or a con - you are totally right about that.
I don't know...I'm sorry...
I'm sorry everything feels so off right now. Regressing isn't a pro or a con - you are totally right about that.
I don't know...I'm sorry...
so as far as my previous post, its not me spewing negativity, its me venting into my journal. i dont let it seep into the scene. do i have any positive feelings for the people that have brought it down and brought all of the negative influences into it? no. i was really pissed last nite, and hurt, and severely confused at the fact that...
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ill catch ya tonight for sure if youre going to be on. im not going anywhere.
so i have come to this pathetic comclusion that what i have given my life, friends, money and sooo much time blah blah is nothing more than a farce, or something along those lines. maybe the subculture i thought i was a part of, this huge movement of a tribe banding together to change the world maybe a bit idealistic but still with 100%...
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"...and for that i hope they burn in hell"
Speaking of negativity. I'm sorry that you feel so much of it that you let it come out of yourself. I know so little about the Dead scene - but let me say this. I had my own scene for a long time - and then ripped myself/was ripped away from it. You will find more places in your life than you could possibly imagine that are incredible and good for you if you get away from the idea that there is ONE place for you. From what I gather - you, of all people, are open-minded. I understand that a lot of what is above is how you feel, and also that you were probably REALLY pissed when you wrote it. But, when you cool sure to be grateful for what you have lived in and the people you know. Things change. It's not easy to live with ideals and morals that are "radical" and entirely different from what the majority of people in this country hold onto as their meaning of life.
Smoke a bowl, chill out, smile. Turn on some crazy live cut with Jerry from back in the day, close your eyes and relax. That's the best advice I have.
(sorry - I am slightly drunk/tired/crazy and in a rambling state - if you didn't notice)
Speaking of negativity. I'm sorry that you feel so much of it that you let it come out of yourself. I know so little about the Dead scene - but let me say this. I had my own scene for a long time - and then ripped myself/was ripped away from it. You will find more places in your life than you could possibly imagine that are incredible and good for you if you get away from the idea that there is ONE place for you. From what I gather - you, of all people, are open-minded. I understand that a lot of what is above is how you feel, and also that you were probably REALLY pissed when you wrote it. But, when you cool sure to be grateful for what you have lived in and the people you know. Things change. It's not easy to live with ideals and morals that are "radical" and entirely different from what the majority of people in this country hold onto as their meaning of life.
Smoke a bowl, chill out, smile. Turn on some crazy live cut with Jerry from back in the day, close your eyes and relax. That's the best advice I have.
(sorry - I am slightly drunk/tired/crazy and in a rambling state - if you didn't notice)
screw it.
well make our own scene
well make our own scene
so steve, did you go to the show? do you read this?
i wonder..............
to dreadlock or not to dreadlock, the ever persistant question when my hair grows and the curls become ever so present and tangly. or to chop it shorter like a pixie child. hmmmmmmm?
so im wondering, how do you get involved without letting your HEART get involved, on any level. ?...
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i wonder..............
to dreadlock or not to dreadlock, the ever persistant question when my hair grows and the curls become ever so present and tangly. or to chop it shorter like a pixie child. hmmmmmmm?
so im wondering, how do you get involved without letting your HEART get involved, on any level. ?...
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My date was awesome, the food rocked. MMMM lobster tails
I really want to go see The New Deal tonite, but Steve is going to be there I think, and I feel weird about that. Even though we like the same music, so obviously we will be at all those bands local shows, I dont want him to think I'm going just to see him....
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I really want to go see The New Deal tonite, but Steve is going to be there I think, and I feel weird about that. Even though we like the same music, so obviously we will be at all those bands local shows, I dont want him to think I'm going just to see him....
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well, hopefully i shall be home at a reasonable time and we can attempt to catch up. but im hangin out with ginger again.
woohoo we just got Atlanta Trey tix woohoo! i'm excited.! Another day in Atlanta
Ohhh it snowed overnite ugh, who wants to warm me up
annnnnnd I got another check from when I had disability and its BIG lol woohoo more monnnnnney yipeeee!
ok i gotta go eat, i am starrrrrrrrrving! i am doing so good on loosing weight, I have gone down 2 solid...
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Ohhh it snowed overnite ugh, who wants to warm me up
annnnnnd I got another check from when I had disability and its BIG lol woohoo more monnnnnney yipeeee!
ok i gotta go eat, i am starrrrrrrrrving! i am doing so good on loosing weight, I have gone down 2 solid...
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check out the "IMPORTANT SATURDAY NIGHT" thread in the detroit group...
i was bad and didnt go to my meeting oh well, i'll go to the next one! today i feel happy, which is well, a big deal i went gambling and didnt loose any money woohoo but i didnt win any, but i looked cute and got hit on so tomorrow is my date, what should i wear ? LOL how lame is that question?...
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i dunno if you werent on or i just missed ya tonight. hung out with ginger. and tomorrow, i wont be on until late. we are going to see some pink floyd cover band.
but hopefully i shall catch ya after that and you can tell me how your date went.
but hopefully i shall catch ya after that and you can tell me how your date went.
see i knew you knew what youre doin
ninight, dearie...