Simply put. I'm mad.
'Oooh the poor emo is "mad," what a loser.'
Hmm, maybe. I can't seem to do much right. I post something and I get told my "form" is bad, told I should have put it in here.
You know. That is my fault. Why on earth am I complaining about it? Why post? Why did I post? Did I want people...
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'Oooh the poor emo is "mad," what a loser.'
Hmm, maybe. I can't seem to do much right. I post something and I get told my "form" is bad, told I should have put it in here.
You know. That is my fault. Why on earth am I complaining about it? Why post? Why did I post? Did I want people...
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I'm hungry. Time to go with the girlfriend for food.
*cough* edit *cough*
Just some advice, I know I shouldn't tell you what to do, how to run your life, etc...but I would take her member name and link out of your journal.
Just some advice, I know I shouldn't tell you what to do, how to run your life, etc...but I would take her member name and link out of your journal.

I really wish I could... 'whack' certain people in the world.
I'm sure you're thinking 'noooo, noo, no you don't! You don't understand what that means! Do you really know what would happen if you were to kill someone? You'd have their blood on your hands till you were to pass on. Their families and loved ones would miss them dearly.'
I know....
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I'm sure you're thinking 'noooo, noo, no you don't! You don't understand what that means! Do you really know what would happen if you were to kill someone? You'd have their blood on your hands till you were to pass on. Their families and loved ones would miss them dearly.'
I know....
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uhh well I am shure that you have a good reson.. and well if ya do I know you will definatly hurt em really bad...

no, not your (what you cann "noobness", but you what i have read and seen. i judge people on thier words and actions and you sure seem to not think things through.
your current journal is but one small example.
you SG Tattoo (and like i said, i have one too, BUT) that you got after only being here for 3 days is another.
plus the MANY threads i have seen you post on or start.
trust me, i know what getting flamed is like, i am a Republican on a totally leftwing site, lol. but you know what... i KNOW where i am, and KNOW when i open my mouth that ALOT of people are going to disagree (and very much so). i don't sit there and act like i have no idea why they have a problem with what i say. you HAD to know that the things you do and say would spark a response. you jusy HAD to. if not, then you only prove my point that you do not think things pout very well before doing them.
it's either that, or you just don't care what people think or say. in which sace, what the fuck do you care what i think of you?
your current journal is but one small example.
you SG Tattoo (and like i said, i have one too, BUT) that you got after only being here for 3 days is another.
plus the MANY threads i have seen you post on or start.
trust me, i know what getting flamed is like, i am a Republican on a totally leftwing site, lol. but you know what... i KNOW where i am, and KNOW when i open my mouth that ALOT of people are going to disagree (and very much so). i don't sit there and act like i have no idea why they have a problem with what i say. you HAD to know that the things you do and say would spark a response. you jusy HAD to. if not, then you only prove my point that you do not think things pout very well before doing them.
it's either that, or you just don't care what people think or say. in which sace, what the fuck do you care what i think of you?
I was hungry. I stopped reading and left my room in search of food. On my way down the hall I thought, 'hmm, what sounds good? Oooh BLT's do. Yeah well I had not one but two of those last night. They take a bit of time to make too. What about chips and lunch meat? Ugh, all out of meat I think. Well,...
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poop indeed...
mmmm, salsa jello... i must indulge....damn to far away. looks like i'll be spending some quality time in the kitchen....and then the toliet...
mmmm, salsa jello... i must indulge....damn to far away. looks like i'll be spending some quality time in the kitchen....and then the toliet...
Yeah we just hooked up for Valentines Day. A little 5-day-long-sex-a-thon.
We're still broken up though.
Oh well. She still has a lot of growing up to do before she's fit for a relationship.
DUDE! You have the same fridge I do! Hahahahaha! Awesome!
I want some salsa-jello
We're still broken up though.

Oh well. She still has a lot of growing up to do before she's fit for a relationship.
DUDE! You have the same fridge I do! Hahahahaha! Awesome!
I want some salsa-jello

Dude... My ex-girlfriend is all over my like white on rice these days... and it got me all curious...
Just tell me off if I'm treading on thin ice or a touchy subject (after all, it's pretty much none of my business)...
But how long have you been with Phenomenater? You guys just seem so awesome together and really love eachother. The adventures you say you guys go on seem like adventures me and my ex used to go on. And we were together for like 6 years.
So how lucky are ya? How many days, months, or years into her are you
I envy you dude. My girl fucked me up so hardcore. {PinkPunk13} I still love her though. Always have, always will...
And when's your next journal entry comin' bro? I miss ya!
Just tell me off if I'm treading on thin ice or a touchy subject (after all, it's pretty much none of my business)...
But how long have you been with Phenomenater? You guys just seem so awesome together and really love eachother. The adventures you say you guys go on seem like adventures me and my ex used to go on. And we were together for like 6 years.
So how lucky are ya? How many days, months, or years into her are you

I envy you dude. My girl fucked me up so hardcore. {PinkPunk13} I still love her though. Always have, always will...
And when's your next journal entry comin' bro? I miss ya!

Trust me dude. The most different people make the best couples. Ever hear of the term "opposites attract"? You know why that term exists?
Not so you guys negate eachother. But because you equalize eachother. When you're mad it's that little thing she says that makes you calm. When she's sad it's that little thing you do that makes her smile. For what one of you lacks, the other one provides.
Your perspective on life seems to be opposite of hers. This is a good thing. If you're a realist and she's an optimist, things are great.
Trust me dude. If she makes you happy, and you make her happy and it doesn't hurt to be with her (like it ended up with mine) then you're gonna regret losing her.
Take Bradley Nowell's words to heart:
"Life is too short, so love the one you got, cuz you might get runover or you might get shot."
When he refers to "one" he means your own life, and her.
Appreciate what you got, otherwise you'll be living a life of what you "could have had".
Like I said, if you make her happy, and she makes you happy, you know it's right.
There's no such thing as a relationship without conflict. You have your preferences, views, perspectives, morals, feelings, and she does too. Not all of them are going to be the same at first. Some might never even be the same! It's just when you love and respect eachother enough to accept who you both are is when you're truly perfect.
Accept imperfection.
It's a lot better than hittin' it solitary.
There's no feeling on Earth like being in love dude. Trust me on that.
Not so you guys negate eachother. But because you equalize eachother. When you're mad it's that little thing she says that makes you calm. When she's sad it's that little thing you do that makes her smile. For what one of you lacks, the other one provides.
Your perspective on life seems to be opposite of hers. This is a good thing. If you're a realist and she's an optimist, things are great.
Trust me dude. If she makes you happy, and you make her happy and it doesn't hurt to be with her (like it ended up with mine) then you're gonna regret losing her.
Take Bradley Nowell's words to heart:
"Life is too short, so love the one you got, cuz you might get runover or you might get shot."
When he refers to "one" he means your own life, and her.
Appreciate what you got, otherwise you'll be living a life of what you "could have had".
Like I said, if you make her happy, and she makes you happy, you know it's right.
There's no such thing as a relationship without conflict. You have your preferences, views, perspectives, morals, feelings, and she does too. Not all of them are going to be the same at first. Some might never even be the same! It's just when you love and respect eachother enough to accept who you both are is when you're truly perfect.
Accept imperfection.
It's a lot better than hittin' it solitary.
There's no feeling on Earth like being in love dude. Trust me on that.
Sounds like fun dude!
Where as I had 95% emotionless animalistic sex with an ex-girlfriend. She hasn't left my house since...
I envy you. Hehe.
Where as I had 95% emotionless animalistic sex with an ex-girlfriend. She hasn't left my house since...

I envy you. Hehe.
we are just too darn cute
Haha! I dunno dude... When it comes to Halo, I'm kind of a big deal... You can choose whatever weapon you want me to use, restrict vehicles, you name it... I'll still softly-serve you
I dunno dude, I got ripped off to balls in the nationals and I still did fairly well... So much lag and button-delay...
Anyhow, good job on that card dude! I'd have sex with you after you gave that to me, that's for sure!
Althoug... I AM a slut... Haha!
"I love you" and you can seal the deal in five minutes!

I dunno dude, I got ripped off to balls in the nationals and I still did fairly well... So much lag and button-delay...
Anyhow, good job on that card dude! I'd have sex with you after you gave that to me, that's for sure!
Althoug... I AM a slut... Haha!
"I love you" and you can seal the deal in five minutes!
Because of the huge number of comments on my latest set... You are receiving this comment late and it is the same comment that I am leaving everyone else as well. I usually try to thank everyone individually and much more personal like, but I would just never in a million years have the time to do that this time. So, I just want you to know that I appreciate that you took the time to comment on my new set. It was very wonderful of you, and I'm sorry that my return comment is so impersonal. However, if you want to stop by my page and say hello sometime, leave me an email, whatnot I'd love to chat. I am nice to everyone that is nice to me.
So, thank you very very much for your nice comment on my set! It is appreciated.
So, thank you very very much for your nice comment on my set! It is appreciated.

Today sucked, period.
Too many pictures not enough bandwidth ... ABORT! ABORT!
Sorry about your day.
Sorry about your day.
27$ for Grey Goose? I'm so fuckin jealous right now
Thank you so much for your comment on my set!!

(just the host for these journal pics)
ps: you have bitchin hair.

ps: you have bitchin hair.
no worries ma suga!
B: I do agree that it should have been posted in your journal and should not have had your girlfriends link in it.
C: Look at it this way I found out about the thread from someone else. Your an SG celeb already.....Let your skin grow a little thicker Take a few days away from the site, then go right back into it.
It was bad form and a little attention grabing but people didn't need to be dicks about it and you should have walked away when it was fresh instead of letting it build up like that.
I'm not sure if that was the kind of comment you were looking for but hey I was thinking about that thread all night