- on count_von_fingerbang's post on freyja's page
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- on emberstrong's blog post
- on instagram in no friends
- on Replace one word with "bacon" in song title in silliness
- on Would you have sex with the person above you? in silliness
So I’m back at work now and there are a few things that are pissing me off about people at the moment.
firstly, a family has come in everyday for the last 5 days their son is clearly sick... sniffling and wearing a hoodie, despite the lovely weather. They are actually putting myself and my team at risk of catching whatever he has, it might...
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Soooo, I’ve been offline on my accounts lately.
Here’s why.
I moved into my new flat!! It’s big and lovely and I love it! Buuuut I did spend some time living outta a backpack and on sofa’s. Not ideal during a pandemic I know. But hey, I survived 🤟🏻. As great as the last place I was living is, Things just didn’t work out, and...
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Lockdown has got me really trying new things! like this viking inspired make up look! had so much fun!