I've finally moved!!! No more hippie potheads keeping me up all night, no cleaning up other peoples kitchen mess so I can cook, no bongs to trip over and spill stinky water,and no more waking up to a living room filled with 100 beer cans to clean up! I'm not one of those annoying, bitchy roomates; I keep my mouth shut; but I'm so happy...
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wanna see something i know you can appreciate?
i have already taken an esalen class, i am taking swedish, myofacial and all the other good stuff now, actually i graduate from that class in two weeks and soon i will be taking a reiki course and a medical massage class and a healing touch class...what kind of massage do you do? wink i would ove to have another lady to talk rubbing with
Is it me or has anyone else noticed that hairstylist are really bad at being consistant. Every time I think I've found someone good, three or four haircuts into the relationship they always stop paying attention, make things all uneven and then I'm all afraid to go back and sound like a complaining whiner. At least this time the stylist didn't get Edward Scissorhands style...
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<in my best waitstaff singing voice> happy happy birthday, happy happy birthday; it's your birthday, happy happy birthday!!! smile

rick ARRR!!!

AKA the birthday stalker smile
youre very welcome....hope it was a good day!!

rick ARRR!!!
Last night I went up to Hollywood for Halloween. I had been told that it gets crazy up there, but it was a little of a disapointmeent; not too crazy or spooky either. Oh well. The two guys dressed as priests with little boys attatched to their crotch and all those exposed naked butts were worth it! love
No hidden meaning. I have six of them. Catdaddy sounded too much like mac daddy. Hence, catdad. I've never met a cat I didn't like or couldn't at least empathize with. I've stopped taking in new ones, however.

I go to Bishops here in Portland and since they don't take reservations, I get whoever is available at the time. I can't remember the last time the same person cut it twice in a row. Fortunately, my style is short and pretty simple. Not that it isn't done slightly different each time and sometimes better than others. But girls would have so much more trouble with that. Good luck.
Good luck in your quest for the attentive hairstylist!
I have heard they are hard to come by.
Hope you are doing well!
Hello! It's Monday evening and I have nothing to do so I guess it can be journal time.
Many people have commented asking about my chest piece. " If one can channel to a spiritual plane the considerable power held within it's anatomical domain, the resulting gift of psychological profundity can be harnessed for the benefit of all."
This seems to go over most people's...
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i feelyou!
Hope you had a good halloween! Did you dress up this year?
We stayed in N.Y.C. for a couple days ( i lived out there for almost nine years)
It was a pleasure to get out of Ma., even though it was for such a short time.
Hope things are going well smile
This morning as I was walking my dog, smelling the semen stench of a certain plant life in the air, I came about an inch away from slipping on a rotting, bloated corpse of a squirrel. Great start to my day.
Stench? Which plant are you talking about?

There a few that I don't like at all.
So I'm not sure if I'm even doing any of this journal entry stuff right. Thank you everyone for responding to me. I hadn't written anything for a long time because I didn't know when the set would actually go up or what to talk about. I don't even know if there is a way to respond to everyone's comments individually. So I'll do it all together.
I have no idea what that stinky plant is that I smell every so often but I'm happy to know I'm not the only one who has noticed it. Has anyone ever smelled metal that smells like boogers? Probably not. I haven't met anyone so far who understands how some metal(which it always seems to be zippers and buttons on clothes) could smell like boogers, but I swear it does.
I ended up having the day off due to lack of clients at work, so I'm going to take my little pooch Schlumpfi to the beach - one of my favorite things to do!