All the time guys bitch about their booty calls going crazy and getting attached and wanting relationship. They say all they want is no strings attached sex. Ok so why the hell do I always get the guys following me around like a puppy after we fuck? I mean come on, never once was there anything said about a relationship and now this dude is...
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Today was a better day. My days are always wonderful when I get to spend time with my bff. And then the cherry on the sundae I got to cuddle with my little man and actually assed out on the couch while watching a really horrible movie. If anyone ever asks you if you want to see the movie FEED say no. LOL that is...
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science experiments are wonderful! Looking forward to your results.............
by the way..... you are very cute

by the way..... you are very cute
Since I never sleep anymore and need to find new things to do on the internet I figure I'll give good ole SG a shot again. And since most of the people that were signed up when i signed up that are in my daily life are no longer on this site I can pretty much post anything and not get the backlash for it....
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I'm still here. 

Holy shit you are still here! That is nuts!
I have rug burn on my lower butt/upper leg from sliding down the stairs with the baby. Its not cool.
I didnt even know i still had a memebership. Yay for newly single and more free time to roam the internet. Someone entertain me on here and say hi! I dont know anyone on here anymore.

Ok yeah wow its been a mintue since I have been on this site. I didnt even know i still was active. Thanks Don for sending me a message that gave me the heads up. Hello to old sg friends. Im not going to post a big blog about what has been going on..lets just say ALOT has been going on. Haha well message me...
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blah blah blah slacker

love the face mods
Im scared. My dad had his surgery today to remove his lympnodes infected with cancer. While in there they found that the cancer is all around his jugular and stuff. He is putting on a brave face but im scared. Cancer is a scary word. He has to do chemo and radiation now because its worse than they thought. Dad will look funny bald. Does...
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It sucks. I know i cant do much, but im here for my pancake.
That would be wonderful. I miss you.
I'm sorry to hear about your dad.
I'm sorry to hear about your dad.

I see no point in blogging nemore since no on reads ..or reads but doesnt comment. I know why though. Its karma. I sit back internet stalk you all, read your blogs see whats going on in your life but dont comment.
i read and i comment.
I love you.
April 27th can not get here fast enough!
I love you.
April 27th can not get here fast enough!
i comment and read damnit
I dont want your simpathy. I dont want your pitty. I just want a place to vent. Everything or everyone I should say is crashing around me. Nothing is right.
1. A friend found out she is pregnant. Her situation is not ideal. She is not married or even in a relationship for that matter. She has a fuck buddy (who we all know was...
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1. A friend found out she is pregnant. Her situation is not ideal. She is not married or even in a relationship for that matter. She has a fuck buddy (who we all know was...
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yeah im 22...please show me somewhere good!
we should go to a movie tomorrow. or something. get out and just enjoy life.
we both need it.
we both need it.
Stop the world I want to get off......
LOL! good quote from home alone.

take me with you.....
please : (
please : (
so whens are first road trip and where we going?!
So I woke up today from a phone call from my moo moo vix telling me she was going to be in town today. So the moo moos met up for lunch and had a grand ole time. My roomate (the other moo moo) and I then went to walmart to get some stuff for the house. We stopped by the pet store to look...
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woohoo! congrats to your new pet(s).. hehe your name reminded me that i saw a Fraggle Rock show the other day...and was thinking of you and how cool you are.
how about GROSS