Not that ANYONE pays attention, but today is my last day here.

Maybe I'll come back when there's a sale for membership.
I do like looking at boobies... not really...
It's all about the art! whatever
That day that you finally see just how little you mean to the woman you love, how easily you are replaced and just how much their love can turn to hate.

Five weeks ago, she loved me with all she is. Four weeks ago she started to let go. A week ago she's head over heals for someone else.

The things I've heard and seen...
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I'm sorry to hear that. I hate when people act immature when they break up with someone. I hope you fee better and can move on soon enough.
Damn this sucks.
I've been busy looking for a new place to live. I turned in an application to an apartment complex about four blocks from where I am right now. I just pray I get it.

Plus.. I'm loosing my best friend. And that's not so easy to get over.
I loved this woman.

Now. I'm done. The relationship thing has been done enough...
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Two days till vacation!

Four days of work, then I'm off for ten. I'm looking forward to it.
Really slow night.
Movie watching is all there is to it.

Hey! Thank you! So, what's up with you lately?
Sitting around watching movies / tv with my daughter today.. Nothing else going on.
I'm kind of bored.

Someone bring some wine or liquor over and I'll feed you spaghetti.
Heh... we must meet up for coffee or something soon! one of my roommates is leaving for 5 weeks... trying to plan some adventure time.
I want too!