"Meet the parents" what a great movie.......i love the Wilson Humor.....Luke and Owen....haha....what a couple of cards.....Bottle Rocket, Ruhmore, The Royal Tenanbaums (sp) maybe..... wink

oh well....with that said.....my journal is updated.....

surreal Justin surreal
"If you wanna be happy for the rest of you life, dont make a pretty woman you wife, cause from my personal point of veiw ew ew, an ugly girl to marry you"


emotions suck......comic books rule.......i'm going to become a hermit.....or maybe a bigger geek than i already am...... whatever

surreal Justin surreal
nno information at this time.......i'm inlimbo, purgatory, bordom, unemployed, in pain (physical) confused

wait, all that is actaully information.....hehe
go figure.....well, obvioulsy, i'm in a tough spot.....but, i have a feeling i've been in worse, i just need to get some things delt with......TO THE DEAL MOBIL!

surreal justin surreal
before we go any further do you love me?

let me sleep on it, i'll give you an answer in the morning.

i gotta know right now, before we go any further, do you love me, will you love me forever, do you need me, will you make me so happy for the rest of my life, will you tak me away and make me...
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ick, my computer is all messed up, i think i fried my mother board frown mad eeek tongue

i'm so frustrated with it.......alas, i have something to do now, well, i have lots to do, i need a job....anyone looking?

surreal Justin surreal
quote for my journal from now till....somtime...

"The world according to Flinch"

REVIVAL!! haha, some friends of ours (my band) came down form wisconsin to play a show with us, they'll be here for a couple days. shocked

the day after the show a bunch of us drove out to the sticks down a dirt road to a mock little beach, hicked up a long trail...
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trust.....it's a big thing, how can you be sure you have it, how can you get it back once you've lost it? and how can you trust that you have that trust back after it's claimed to be returned........ puke

oh me of my.....i'm moving out soon, out of my parents and into a house with some friends.......i dont know for how long, but i think...
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It's like the World According to Flinch. You're going to love living in a house... it'sgoing to be a huge pain in the ass at times, but you'll always remember how fun it was. I personally love multiples choices and being the master of my own future. Trust your gut, and have no regrets.

xoxo Alexis
ever have one of those days that just keeps going and going.....well, i've had one thats been going for over a year........the worst is over, but i'm impaitient.....it needs to be over now...... mad

oh well....in time......i'm thinking of relocating.....some place with nice weather year round, good music scene, nice architecture, lots of people, and good times....anyone live in a place like that? if so let...
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I added you as a friend... you should come to philly. There is stuff to do, and a 7-11 on ever corner.
tour is over, it was fun, i got some cool records, and nice memories smile

however, i'm quite tired.......i'm going to watch "A Very Brady Sequal" wink

surreal Justin surreal
whoa....i'm in st louis right now.......yeah.....we're playing tonite and then leaving for milwaukee.....rocking out with my cock out.....

surreal Justin surreal
Where are you playing tonight in St. Louis? And what's your band's name? Us St. Louis-dwellers are mostly going to the Flaming Lips show tonight, but it's an early show..
Just picked up the album by The Sounds, it's fucking amazing.....check it out, check it out, check it out, check it out.....it rules.... love

my band just recorded a 4 song demo, it sounds down right awsome......look for in your city when we tour this summer......well....if you on the east coast......


surreal Justin surreal
I got your email, and when I emailed you back (replied), it came back to me saying there was an error...
Hey cutie... glad to see that you're a fan

[Edited on May 29, 2003]
i'm very very very very very tired of overcast, dark rainy weather.......it's going to cause me to develop seasonal depression.... mad

challenge me, inspire me, shock me, move me, provoke me......i need it

surreal Justin surreal
Is the weather that bad there?
It feels like it is Fall here... my friend and I were joking about next month being November.

My friend (who I have been friends with for 15+ years, and met in Hsv), is visiting me soon! I haven't seen her in years.