so I'm studying. But I also finished a comic book set.

Planetary is from Warren Ellis and is awesome.

Also Hank Jones died recently. I hadn't heard of him before but then he died and so npr was all about telling me about hank jones.

Apparently he was a jazz pianist and lived a fairly amazing life and did amazing things new amazing people. Basically...
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I started studying for my test dealie more in earnest. Took a practice test. got a 61ish... need above a 70. I have 2 weeks. In an extreme example of studying for the test I find that studying the practice tests generally does me the most good. Though I should get through the material too...

Also Television is awesome.... Drinking is fun. I enjoy all...
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something while I was drunk told me to talk on omegle so I did. I

like it.

Made friends with someone who lives near me ish.

Fun times.

Had a drunk dial.

I'm a great drunk.

I should have a job in advertising. I'm fucking brilliant.

I was watching t.v. and I heard a commercial.... It had the minutes in a life song from rent. I assumed it was a cell phone commercial... it was instead a macy's commercial..

Okay that's disappointing... But...

Let's say your a cell phone company. You steal their buzz. You let them get the song playing...
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You make me chuckle...I mean your musings make me chuckle, NOT your mushroom joke. tongue

Ha. I did get an A on that midterm. The absolute lowest A possible 90%.... But... an A! Suck it doubt.

Apparently studying to get an A instead of to pass does work... Next time maybe I should shoot for a 100 though huh?

Hopefully the online grade deally didn't lie.

I also didn't get drunk tonight which is good cause I got some work...
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Shit to that. You'll never get anywhere in life by actually doin' shit. Take it from me, and you can grow up to be shit, just like me!
Went to a friends party/get together. Got drunk. Hang out. Sang really loud and bounced up and down.

Had a midterm last wednesday hopefully it went well.... It really needed to go well.

Life is going ok.
You drink? shocked
My typical post. I'm up drunk. But what I love is getting drunk and doing this programming assignments... It's nice to realize I can do work while drunk. Good work. I can still get drunk and do homework and be a straight A student all of a sudden. HA!
No I understand while people don't blog while drunk. You accidentally delete everything. Or say embarrassing things I suppose.... But I don't embarrass easy....

So.... I met a girl while drunk on the train the thursday and got her number. tried to call her number saturday but got voice mail. Did confirm that I got a girls number that matched the name I put in...
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thank you for your comment on my set smile
that is a line from a poem i wrote, so really its meaning is up for interpretation. i originally intended it to mean that there will always be some connection between us, no matter how thin or delicate that connection is...we are always tethered to each other in some way.
New quarter started. Made it to the first two days without drinking the night before. Turned in a homework assignment. I did it the day it was due, but seriously it was due the first day. Then traveled an hour to class had a three hour account class and traveled an hour back. so I'm drunk. Cut me some slack. Or don't. I'd prefer if...
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have one for me my friend. im glad your doing great and putting so much effort in school biggrin EL SUICIDO LOCO
I should make a book, like him!! It would have to be set in snowy places though, or it wouldn't be a challenge. I practically reflect the sunlight. tongue