Cheers to @hiptobes for turning me onto these dudes...cannot watch this enough. You need it in your life.
Hello true believers,
Being very much a geezer now, here's a few things I really, really wished I'd learned 20 years ago!
1) Minimalism is the answer to a happier life!
Stop buying, collecting and obsessing about shit you do NOT need, as Tyler Durden rightly says in Fight Club,
'the things you own, end up owning you'
I used to collect loads of things,...
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So stoked to have shot again with the sublime @frenzy just submitted the set into the MR queue, it's always a treat to hang out and shoot together, I'm still really proud of our first SG set together ( go show it love here if you haven't already, if anyone ever deserved to go front page, its this lovely lady, truly one of the sweetest...
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Really happy to be back shooting again for SG after a year or so break away. This will by my first SG shoot of 2016
this year is flying by) and really stoked that its going to be with the sublimely awesome @frenzy.
We've been planning for ages, but schedules/life/blah and we finally have a window that works for us both this weekend.
Do please...
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This is gonna be all about one show, and very spoiler filled, so if you've not yet watched Season 2 of Netflix's fantastic Marvel Daredevil adaptation then bookmark this page, go spend an exhilarating 13 hours getting up to date, then come back here again ;)
Comic books have always, always been there throughout my life, whilst I may drift in and out over the...
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