I stole this quiz from Caddy. you should take it too.


*Time started: 7:26pm

*Name: derek

*Nickname: fergie, martin, sup man, hey there

*Single or Taken: recently single

*Sex: not since august

*Birthday: september 17

*Sign: look in the paper

*Siblings: two older sisters (that sucked)

*Hair color: dark brown

*Eye colour: hazel

*Shoe size: work boots-12 biking shoes-12.5 sandals-13

*Height: 6'

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Ok, so I thought I got a virus on my computer because it slowed way down. and by way down I mean it would boot and then just sit there with the "hard-drive in use" light on. Cutting my losses I thought I should just reformat and lose all the illigal mp3's on my computer. So I did and realized I only...
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I hate insomnia. It's 12:15 and I have to work in 6 hours.

Didn't do a whole lot this week end beside choose not to go home with a girl who had two children and just popped a handful of a pills. That was a good call on my part.

I smoked for the first time in three months, and now my throat is killing...
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Good luck on the smoking thing!
I'm tired.

I have to go to work.

It's early.

That is all.
What's up with Indiana not doing the whole daylight savings time? I don't like it one bit.

Saw Hostage tonight. It was a good movie, but I like movies like that. It's kind of like Home Alone meets Die Hard.

I think a nice looking girl moved in next to me this week end. The car parked outside had Wisconsin plates, which bumps the hotness...
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I'll tell you why you don't understand....it's Indiana
just wanted to say hi fellow Indiana-person o yeah and as far as DLST goes its indiana it doesnt have to make since
I got paid for a full day of work today, and all I had to do was sleep in and run some errands. Thank you Jesus.

I found the best dog last week. She's a coonhound that is really laid back. I talked to the person who is fostering her, and I was going to go see her. Then she called earlier this week and...
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Well that little bitch! I would have been pissed off if I were you! I love dogs so much... I've got one of my own--he's a lab and collie mix. My little baby!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin
1/4 cup olive oil
4 cloves minced garlic
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper
28 oz can tomatos
1 lb tubular pasta
2 tbsp vodka
1/4 cup chopped parsley
1/2 cup heavy cream

Sautee garlic, pepper and salt in oil until browned. Add tomatos and simmer to thicken.

Meanwhile, cook pasta. Drain and toss with sauce when thick enough. Add vodka and toss. Add cream...
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mmmm....so Hungry....
It was damn good, but I recomend taking it easy on the crushed red pepper unless you really like hot food. I put a whole tsp in and it was a little too hot, and I like hot food.
Name: Derek Ferguson
Age: 23
Sex: not in the past 6 months
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: green
Height: 5'11"
Birthplace: Wausau, WI
Location: Columbus, IN


1) What is your sexual preference? Hot'n'Heavy
2) Who was the first person you ever had a crush on? Katie Janisek
3) What was your first date like? I was a horn ball that tried to get...
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Nothing like another boring day at work. Friday I did pretty much nothing, and today I did absolutely nothing. I guess that's what happens when shit breaks. Tomorrow should be an eventful day though since we have to get all the work done that we would have done if the pressure transducers didn't break.

I'm still getting use to Indiana. Iv'e realized that I don't...
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Puppy shopping? Will it be like window shoping?

[Edited on Mar 14, 2005 5:04PM]
OK, so here is my update in a nut-shell.

My job is sweet. I spend all day playing with engines bigger than my car. I come home smelling like exhaust, but it doesn't bother me any more. I'm making petty sweet cash, and I'm well on my way to becoming a full engineer in a few years.

Columbus, IN isn't that great of a place...
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I need to switch banks, but I'm too lazy and I know the hassle....grrrarrrrrr.

haha and that's an awesome road rage story. I had this guy who pushed me off the road once...it was horrid, but he got screwed over by insurance now...bahahahaha
Ok, I'm back now. Sorry I've been gone for so long, but the money issue and getting a new bank really fucked things up for me. I'll have a better update tomorrow when I get off of work, but now I must sleep since work calls at 6:30am.
Well today was my first day in my permanent job location; Seymour Indiana. I get to work on HUGE engines. 75% of today was sitting around or looking for other people that are suppose to show me how to do my job. 15% was eating lunch, and the other 10% was actual work. This is why I hate training for a new job.

I didn't...
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Ahhh...you should check out Two and a 1/2 Men...I think THAT is the funniest show on TV... biggrin

Welcome to Indiana... biggrin
Bob Pointer's GM World. ha..no joke.