So some guy I don't remember from High school added me as a friend on facebook. I remember his name- but that's it. I don't remember hanging out with him or having classes with him or anything. So- now he's chatting with me and he's SO STUPID! He's asking me all these dumb questions and then telling me how he fought the war in Iraq.... Read More
This is why I love Henjin0
I called him to see what he wanted for dinner- we have a kit here to make vegatarian chili and we both decided we wanted that. He told me to email him what is needed. I tried to tell him over the phone- he said he'd forget. So I sent him this email...
"Write this down- it's pretty complicated.... Read More
25 random facts about me.
This is from facebook, you're suppose to tag people and stuff, but I won't do that here...if you want to do it too- go ahead!
1) I'm not as tough or as confident as I let on.
2) I spent the majority of my teenage years going in and out of youth psych wards. I was misdiagnosed with manic depression-... Read More
I have the best husband in the world!! He bought me a new coffee decanter so i could drink coffee tomorrow morning! And he also bought be some nicotine patches. I don't think I need the patches, I didn't have too many cravings today. But it sure was nice!
Everyone go to Henjin0's blog and tell him he's a great guy!
Day number one without a cigarette- MY COFFEE POT JUST BROKE!!
So now not only am I not having my morning cigarette, but I am without my morning coffee as well. FUCK!
I just smoked my last cigarette. I'm celebrating with a glass of rum and coke. With some tough love I can quit this nasty habit. Don't let me bum a smoke no matter how much I beg. If I seem bitchy- please, understand. I've quit before and it's tough. Please, be supportive. Don't be a hater. And mostly, wish me luck!
Yeh, thats how I say it. But stsarah7 says it like -gEEna.