So I've been losing mass weight. It's super fantastic, but this comes with problems.
A lot of my clothes don't fit.
Also, I have been looking for my camera charging dock for about a year. I cannot find it, which makes me think that it was either thrown away or stolen (mistakenly most likely).
To fix BOTH of these problems; and also... Read More
Her funeral was today. Obviously it's not going very well for me.
Also, I have a poll.
If your girlfriend is masturbating next to you, do you take it as a green light or would you decide to do nothing, not even watch, just go back to sleep?
So I realized I pretty much just get on here to photobomb whenever I decide to take pictures. Thought I'd just put it out there that it dawned on me.
A little about my life before I do that, fixed an issue I had with my tags today, makes me really happy to not have that looming over my head but I really didn't enjoy... Read More
I really hate being broke all the damn time. I want to go shopping. And not like I'm getting Damien more sippy cups or diapers but something for me! I want this skirt at Forever21 so bad. SO bad. I'm not even sure why I'm blogging about this. Maybe because I just spent the last hour torturing myself looking at all these things that I... Read More
Long time no post! Oops! So far this year I have decided to pay off all my debt. When I turn 26 in October I lose my insurance so I need to eliminate my monthly bills so I can afford it haha! So far I've paid off around 3000 in debt, but I have a total of around another 3000 including the rest of my... Read More
This past week has been INSANITY. One of the girls up in Columbus quit so my other piercer had to go up there to cover like 3 days, which meant that I had to work 6 days in a row down here. I got overtime which is pretty nice but OMG I was tired by Monday. I usually go in at 11, but I had... Read More
Not much is new in my world, besides my lovely boy doing some pretty awesome things! He rolls and rolls and rolls, he tries to crawl but can't quite get it right. I've been babyproofing stuffs.
I got some new makeup though, it was a pretty awesome tip at work! I love having a MAC not even 100 feet away haha!
So today has been... interesting. I just got home from the store about 3 hours ago but what happened while I was out scared the living shit out of me.
So I'm at this intersection, wanting to turn left. I'm in the turning lane with my blinker on but the light doesn't turn for me to turn. There's a GINORMOUS line of cars so I... Read More