If blood is so precious, it needs to be let.
I've got a huge abscess... it's in my cheek above a tooth. It's pretty much knocked me flat out.
but I'm not dead yet!
You know what's fun? in the past month 2 of my employees have been arrested. Both because of stupid shit they did at the bar.
I'm building my bar's september to be huge. I can't wait to see what happens.
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but I'm not dead yet!
You know what's fun? in the past month 2 of my employees have been arrested. Both because of stupid shit they did at the bar.
I'm building my bar's september to be huge. I can't wait to see what happens.
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Hey, just recently got my account back. someone bought me 3 mos on here. how have you been? Any word on hylian? looks like his old account is broken
Welcome back, mate! 

Well, I'm still alive.
Let's see... my boss is out of town so I'm going to be working my ass off at the bar. In addition, I've moved out of my old place and into a nice apartment, across the street from my bar. This couldn't be better for me. I'm excited about what we are gonna be doing with the place in the fall,...
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Let's see... my boss is out of town so I'm going to be working my ass off at the bar. In addition, I've moved out of my old place and into a nice apartment, across the street from my bar. This couldn't be better for me. I'm excited about what we are gonna be doing with the place in the fall,...
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Glad you're still with us and not in the middle of campus with a harpoon in your back!
I'm excited about your apartment-- sounds like it'll be the place to be by 2009.
...Especially if you're a lady in the district!

I'm excited about your apartment-- sounds like it'll be the place to be by 2009.
...Especially if you're a lady in the district!

thats awesome! what have you been up to lately? i'm mostly working a lot and studying, nothing to exciting.
I am creeped out.
a couple posts back I made mention of a problem with an employee. I don't know what to make of these current turns of events, but It's got me nervous.
Basically, I found out sunday that the employee is quitting and moving to Alaska to hang out with my old manager, the guy I replaced at the bar. His name is...
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a couple posts back I made mention of a problem with an employee. I don't know what to make of these current turns of events, but It's got me nervous.
Basically, I found out sunday that the employee is quitting and moving to Alaska to hang out with my old manager, the guy I replaced at the bar. His name is...
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Sorry dude, that sounds like a bunk situation.
First of all, you should report it to the police and to the owner of your bar. Then if something happens to your car, they'll have suspect. Likewise, he would be retarded to jump you after threatening you, but if you do get jumped, it will be easy to pin on him. It would be reeeallly retarded to kill someone over a 1-night-a-week bar tending gig, but your murder case will not likely go unsolved if the police know you've been threatened.
First of all, you should report it to the police and to the owner of your bar. Then if something happens to your car, they'll have suspect. Likewise, he would be retarded to jump you after threatening you, but if you do get jumped, it will be easy to pin on him. It would be reeeallly retarded to kill someone over a 1-night-a-week bar tending gig, but your murder case will not likely go unsolved if the police know you've been threatened.
Also, i am good, thanks for asking. Well, other than everyday stress and the fact that i hate my husband sometimes.
You? Besides the threats of course?
Also, i am good, thanks for asking. Well, other than everyday stress and the fact that i hate my husband sometimes.
You? Besides the threats of course?
Part of what sucks about the changes I've undergone is that I'm too the point where I think I'm gonna leave some damage in my wake to take the next step in my personal evolution.
I don't like it.
When you're learning something new, mistakes are inevitable. I'm learning flair bartending, for example. I drop bottles all the time. They rarely break, I hardly ever...
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I don't like it.
When you're learning something new, mistakes are inevitable. I'm learning flair bartending, for example. I drop bottles all the time. They rarely break, I hardly ever...
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What bar are you at?
Yeah, it wasn't a bad time. Not a bad time at all.

I'm finally moving out of my first seattle apartment. I'm getting a place right behind my bar, which I can't imagine will be anything short of kick-ass. I should be moving in about a week and then the good times will definitely start to roll.
I'm having difficulty with an employee of mine. Technically he's not an employee, he's a "Guest Bartender". Before I got...
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I'm having difficulty with an employee of mine. Technically he's not an employee, he's a "Guest Bartender". Before I got...
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I've been reading my previous journal posts. I didn't realize how many posts I'd made in 2 years. But this one stuck out, because it's concise and a pretty accurate reflection of my mindset back then (Jan 16 2005). So I'm gonna amend it for how I feel today, a full three and some change years later.
"I wish wasn't so needy."
I'm probably the...
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"I wish wasn't so needy."
I'm probably the...
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Damn, I can't tell you how happy this post makes me. And I can only hope if you're making 60k you've since disposed of that old couch I gave you. 
I hope you know, and I hope I always conveyed, that I believed you were way more than you thought you were at the time. So glad you got to that point. Meanwhile I'm married with a baby on the way -- amazing how things change, huh?
Send me where you work -- I'd love to come in and get a decent drink.

I hope you know, and I hope I always conveyed, that I believed you were way more than you thought you were at the time. So glad you got to that point. Meanwhile I'm married with a baby on the way -- amazing how things change, huh?
Send me where you work -- I'd love to come in and get a decent drink.
I know not of this Force Unleashed business, but it seems as if the protagonist is named Starkiller. Did you know that in some of the original drafts of A New Hope Luke and Anakin's last name was Starkiller?
New update is new.
Better update is coming.
Better update is coming.
Good seeing you again - you working there most Sundays?
I has a flu.
When I was in high school my and one of my friends had this thing where we'd make up diseases and add -fluenza to them, like if you drank too many martinis you'd have Ginfluenza. You probably had to be there, I guess.
How did I know? 

How was your Saturday?
Here's how mine went. I got to work, nothing was done... the bar wasn't set up. Around midnight my boss disappeared to go cry in her office for an hour and a half. During that time a group of russians came in and started causing a ruckus. at closing, we had to cut a bunch of them off, throw them out,...
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Here's how mine went. I got to work, nothing was done... the bar wasn't set up. Around midnight my boss disappeared to go cry in her office for an hour and a half. During that time a group of russians came in and started causing a ruckus. at closing, we had to cut a bunch of them off, throw them out,...
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zomg right click to view the whole thing:

What, do you tend bar in Belltown?
well, let's see. what's been new with me since I left?
I've met some cool people.
I've worked as a bartender for a good while.
I got a new computer.
Really, not much. Oh, I got diganosed with acute awesomeness. Fortunately, I won't need an awesomedectomy.
I've met some cool people.
I've worked as a bartender for a good while.
I got a new computer.
Really, not much. Oh, I got diganosed with acute awesomeness. Fortunately, I won't need an awesomedectomy.
I'm easily a 300 point HQ choice.
Do you have power and shit? I mean, you obviously have shit. Everybody has that. But do you have power? Do you need a ride to the hospital for that awesomedectomy? I hear the anesthetic is pretty bitchin.
What the fuck am I going to put here?
Spore won't be out till the second half of '07. I am depressed.
What the fuck am I going to put here?
Spore won't be out till the second half of '07. I am depressed.
Holy crap, 2007? That's nuts! I really want to play it.
sci fi MMOs give me the heebie jeebies.