I'm getting new ink soon soon!!! I would have gotten it this weekend but... srStinnky won't be home and he's supposed to come with me, hold my hand when I'm in pain and take pics to share later with you lovely people! so it's all his fault i won't get my new ink until probably next week! I'm excited! I just got this money from...
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I loved loved loved looooooooooooooved Children of Men.. Yey.
I totally thought Del Toro was a spaniard, though.
Good luck in kickboxing
I totally thought Del Toro was a spaniard, though.
Good luck in kickboxing

jajajajjajajaja aaaaay clmate vieja!!!!!!!!

hey there....
well mom just shared this pics from her phone cam with me and i thought it would be cool to show you my christmas eve and the first part of my new years, where we went for dinner with the family...
I hope everyone got nice presents and had a lovely holiday season... for me, now I can't wait to go back to...
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well mom just shared this pics from her phone cam with me and i thought it would be cool to show you my christmas eve and the first part of my new years, where we went for dinner with the family...
I hope everyone got nice presents and had a lovely holiday season... for me, now I can't wait to go back to...
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My week is severely lacking interaction with you so far... I wonder if this is what drug addiction is like?
holiday season.... i enjoy being with my family... definitely adore seeing people i don't get to see during the whole year, meeting with good old friends for drinks... or good food or anything....
that's pretty much what i've been doing lately....
sleeping well.... actually over sleeping some times, but that's good eventually when school starts again i won't have any time left to sleep so......
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that's pretty much what i've been doing lately....
sleeping well.... actually over sleeping some times, but that's good eventually when school starts again i won't have any time left to sleep so......
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mi nena hemoxa! <333
gracias por los buenos deseos, tu tb, que te la pases pocahontas, lo mejor para ti en este comienzo de 2007 porque te lo mereces yep. te quiero muchisisisisiisisisismo y espero poder verte pronto!!!
*baila alrededor tuyo *
gracias por los buenos deseos, tu tb, que te la pases pocahontas, lo mejor para ti en este comienzo de 2007 porque te lo mereces yep. te quiero muchisisisisiisisisismo y espero poder verte pronto!!!
*baila alrededor tuyo *

hars un set?
ke chidoo
muchas gracias por tu comment
neta :]
kuidate mucho
y me avisas si hacs un set

hars un set?
ke chidoo

muchas gracias por tu comment
neta :]
kuidate mucho
y me avisas si hacs un set

Finally I'm home!! it feels sooooo good to be home!!!
grams and mum were waiting for me by the door... that feels amazing... seeing your loved ones so anxious to hug you!
last thursday we had the xmas party @ my school.... I was bartending and it was LOTS OF FUN! there were about 400 ppl that night... maybe more... i didn't do the count...
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grams and mum were waiting for me by the door... that feels amazing... seeing your loved ones so anxious to hug you!
last thursday we had the xmas party @ my school.... I was bartending and it was LOTS OF FUN! there were about 400 ppl that night... maybe more... i didn't do the count...
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pfff oooh callese!
no ve que hasta estoy viendo como le hare para visitarla? mmh mmh?
si uste es mi mujer favorita!
*te besa apasionadamente*
se tiene que repetir, tenemos que irnos de vagas por alli!
no ve que hasta estoy viendo como le hare para visitarla? mmh mmh?
si uste es mi mujer favorita!

*te besa apasionadamente*
se tiene que repetir, tenemos que irnos de vagas por alli!

pero no necesitas eso para que te lo diga!
te lo digo cuantas veces sean necesarias, en esp, ingles, italiano:
te amo!
I love you!
ti voglio bene, cara mia!
te extrano muuuuucho

pero no necesitas eso para que te lo diga!

te lo digo cuantas veces sean necesarias, en esp, ingles, italiano:
te amo!
I love you!
ti voglio bene, cara mia!

te extrano muuuuucho

today... I got a friend back.... it sure felt good to be around him again. I was a little nervous, I didn't know what was going to be like, specially since I haven't seen him since late september, I didn't know what to expect or how to react, and the moment I saw him standing waiting for me I knew everything was ok, we said...
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I'm ok. I love the pics you shot of Amiba. I'd love to see more of your photography. Looks like you have talent on both sides of the camera!
Un beso!
Un beso!

Oooh! I love love love Polaroids! I have this one that is "broken", but it takes the strangest, out-of-focus and light-leaky pictures. You never really know what you're going to get. And I have a very good friend who specializes in Polaroid transfers. He has done some great work with transferring the emuslion onto various interesting textures.
it's been a while since my last post, so i'll just write some of what's been going on lately in life... school is almost oooooover! at least for this semester I'm soooo happy, today I handed in my project for my very short short film (actually a 1 min long film) to be shot in january in 35mm... I'm just soooo excited, got so many...
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Ey Los Cabos!! Yo vivi en San Jose del Cabo como por 3 aos, de hecho hace 3 meses me pase una semanita tirando barra en El Tesoro de Los Cabos drinking at the pool all day, then roaming arround town all night, it was a much needed and apreciated vacation.
En que trabaja tu prima?
De nuevo gracias por el beso y yo aki le doy un Tour de Tijuana cuando venga

En que trabaja tu prima?
De nuevo gracias por el beso y yo aki le doy un Tour de Tijuana cuando venga

After hearing the songs of machina 2 on the videos, it really made me wish that album was finalized. I'm sure it would've been nice. I'm also very eager of hearing their new album. I'll go to their show for sure! I do not wanna miss that!
And yeah, Billy and Jimmy are in together that's for sure, for d'Arcy forget it and for James, I don't know what's gonna happen. Anyways, in my opinion, Billy and Jimmy are all it takes...
I enjoyed Zwan, but I found it to be too much of a pale imitation of the Pumpkins, and we later discovered that it actually was. That was too much Billy's desire to continue the Pumpkins. But I don't care what people say, I loved his solo album. Although some songs are maybe a little too smooth or slow, some songs like Camera eye and Dia just blow my mind.
Whatever they become, I'm not the kind to bitch because their style has changed/evolved. I'm just curious to know what's next.
And yeah, Billy and Jimmy are in together that's for sure, for d'Arcy forget it and for James, I don't know what's gonna happen. Anyways, in my opinion, Billy and Jimmy are all it takes...

I enjoyed Zwan, but I found it to be too much of a pale imitation of the Pumpkins, and we later discovered that it actually was. That was too much Billy's desire to continue the Pumpkins. But I don't care what people say, I loved his solo album. Although some songs are maybe a little too smooth or slow, some songs like Camera eye and Dia just blow my mind.
Whatever they become, I'm not the kind to bitch because their style has changed/evolved. I'm just curious to know what's next.

my myself and the mean me....
life's been pretty weird lately.... from heartbreaking situations to amazingly great adventures with dearest friends, concerts, been partying a lot, the new appartment, my lovely dog coming back to me from her vacation with my mum...
been shooting really short short films... films that actually are 1 min long! can you imagine... telling a story in just one minute...
right now i'm editing a music...
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been shooting really short short films... films that actually are 1 min long! can you imagine... telling a story in just one minute...
right now i'm editing a music...
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Thanx for the comment...How's Mexico? I'm up in the cold PA (well it's actually warmer than usual right now)

How cold is cold in Mexico? It's 31 degrees out this morning here in PA.
I definitely need to post some pics... it's funny... haven't gotten any pics with my new tattoo
life's been pretty great....
lots of adventures...
lots of movies....
everyone should see this short film from germany called "the greatest love affair of the past century" it's just sooooo damn good! it's funny it's cute.... loved it.... i just saw it on this amazing short film festival...
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life's been pretty great....
lots of adventures...
lots of movies....
everyone should see this short film from germany called "the greatest love affair of the past century" it's just sooooo damn good! it's funny it's cute.... loved it.... i just saw it on this amazing short film festival...
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aw ya se, los monroe son lo mejor, me encantan! <3
y vivamos las mexicanas YEAH!
*te abraza*
como tas?
y vivamos las mexicanas YEAH!

*te abraza*
como tas?

Trust me..I can take care of him anytime!

just got a new tattoo yesterday!! I'm sooooo very happy.... just loved it, it's a cute little white skull
with a pink ribbon....
I'll post some pics later...

I'll post some pics later...


I will be waiting for them

tell me about the film you're shooting in NYC

Just kidding. it's not like Rocky Balboa was gonna be good, I just went for the nostalgia. You can't go see the first two and not call them great. That being said, it wasn't an even remotely good movie. It was just fun. And goosebumpy exciting to hear that song.