single and fabulous again!
pics from coachella coming soon.... It was fucking great! had lots of fun with my dearest srStinnky who's one of the guys of my life, definitely one of the guy's I'll always love for good.... and my best friend Pau, who's like my sister! and Argel... met lovely Pamita, she is probably one of the best human beings I've ever met,...
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pics from coachella coming soon.... It was fucking great! had lots of fun with my dearest srStinnky who's one of the guys of my life, definitely one of the guy's I'll always love for good.... and my best friend Pau, who's like my sister! and Argel... met lovely Pamita, she is probably one of the best human beings I've ever met,...
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Got a new look, pics coming soon, perhaps those will come after Coachella....
I can't believe it yet... two days till I finally see my man and I'm sooooooo happy, excited, a bit nervous!!!!
so you'll be seing a lot of us together....!!!!
happy happy joy joy!
Lots of love to all of you! and thousands of kisses
I can't believe it yet... two days till I finally see my man and I'm sooooooo happy, excited, a bit nervous!!!!
so you'll be seing a lot of us together....!!!!

happy happy joy joy!
Lots of love to all of you! and thousands of kisses

Querida amiga, me hubiera gustado verte antes de que te fueras, pero ya sabes, la enfermedades le cambian a uno todos los planes.
Pero independientemente de eso, quiero desearte lo mejor de lo mejor en este viaje que maana realizars, quiero ver muchas fotos a tu regreso...en todas ellas t divirtiendote ehhhhh!!!!
Tomate unas chelas por mi y fuma mucho jejejejeje....
Te quiero mucho y te extraar muchisisismo. Te cuidas mucho que te quiero sana y salva cuando llegues pa desquitarnos con una larga charla.
Te quiero mucho mucho, te adoro, eres muy especial para mi preciosa.
Pasatela de lo mejor y sabes que cuentas conmigo ok? Y mandale saludos de mi parte a tu chico.
TE MANDO MUCHOS BESOS, xXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Pero independientemente de eso, quiero desearte lo mejor de lo mejor en este viaje que maana realizars, quiero ver muchas fotos a tu regreso...en todas ellas t divirtiendote ehhhhh!!!!
Tomate unas chelas por mi y fuma mucho jejejejeje....
Te quiero mucho y te extraar muchisisismo. Te cuidas mucho que te quiero sana y salva cuando llegues pa desquitarnos con una larga charla.
Te quiero mucho mucho, te adoro, eres muy especial para mi preciosa.
Pasatela de lo mejor y sabes que cuentas conmigo ok? Y mandale saludos de mi parte a tu chico.
TE MANDO MUCHOS BESOS, xXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Rear Window
A Tale of Two Sisters (second time around)
Wicker Man (original)
Funny Games
but still no shortbus...
Hope you're having a good time. When do we get to see some more of your film work?
A Tale of Two Sisters (second time around)
Wicker Man (original)
Funny Games
but still no shortbus...
Hope you're having a good time. When do we get to see some more of your film work?

april 12 was definitely a good day....
everything was going pretty well during the morning, and I knew I was going that night to see Muse live at Palacio de los Deportes with my best friend Oso... so I was already excited about that...
By 3pm or so... I checked my gmail account and found a very very pleasant surprise, If you speak or understand...
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everything was going pretty well during the morning, and I knew I was going that night to see Muse live at Palacio de los Deportes with my best friend Oso... so I was already excited about that...
By 3pm or so... I checked my gmail account and found a very very pleasant surprise, If you speak or understand...
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can't go al under today... long story
pos que mal que sea una baca asquerosa y puta. ya me diras.
nop la frase es de "ichi the killer"
why you bad?

pos que mal que sea una baca asquerosa y puta. ya me diras.
nop la frase es de "ichi the killer"
why you bad?

seguro que si te estrao! bellisima!
Hello everyone.....
I'm on easter break.... which is really cool, I'm home for the whole week and best friend Julio is coming to town thursday and I'm so excited! he'll meet my family and old friends!
I want to get a new tattoo.... don't have any money though!
Coachella is just days away!!!! This is way too exciting....
I am in love.... so very in...
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I'm on easter break.... which is really cool, I'm home for the whole week and best friend Julio is coming to town thursday and I'm so excited! he'll meet my family and old friends!
I want to get a new tattoo.... don't have any money though!
Coachella is just days away!!!! This is way too exciting....
I am in love.... so very in...
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so who do you love?
hello orchidpie
i'm soooo pornochas....
i'm soooo pornochas....
mmm but if don't steal he's food how i'm going to survive in his basement?
que tal muse?
yo medio senti el temblors.. sentia que eran mis gatos dando guerra pero luego me hablo mi mama asi toda espantada...
well.... news news good news....
the roommate is soon to be ex-roommate, luckily she decided to move out, which make me a very happy person, I had no intentions of kicking her out, we talked saturday evening, pretty much agreed on the points I made, and was ok with the idea of starting from zero, she went out and did not come back for the...
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the roommate is soon to be ex-roommate, luckily she decided to move out, which make me a very happy person, I had no intentions of kicking her out, we talked saturday evening, pretty much agreed on the points I made, and was ok with the idea of starting from zero, she went out and did not come back for the...
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That 2nd one was great!
Good luck with Jermaine, he's a lil handful, with a catsuit and a whip I hear.
So the birthday party was GREAT! I had lots of fun... my house was packed with people you couldn't even move... my crazy neighbor got all mad at us.... didn't really care at the moment... then I felt kinda guilty... but what the hell...we're pretty quiet all the time....
here's one pic from the birthday... I look really drunk... but well... I was really drunk...
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here's one pic from the birthday... I look really drunk... but well... I was really drunk...
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I'll make you a fucking special CD for your birthday.
I can't believe I didn't leave a ton of messages here about how hot you are, even when you're drunk off your ass.
I'm glad you had a good time and made jello shots, lady.
I can't believe I didn't leave a ton of messages here about how hot you are, even when you're drunk off your ass.
I'm glad you had a good time and made jello shots, lady.
Yeah, Russians. I like Russians: they gave us tarkovsky, Surakov and other great directors that lots of people talk about but few actually watch. I like 'em but they're so HEEEAAAVVYY. Tarkovsky films zoom by with all the speed of a dead dog. Amazing but my whole life slows down when I watch Russian films. I can't imagine them doing comedy but I think they should try it. A Ruskie Buster Keaton - now that I'd pay good money to see.
I'm afraid I'm rambling. i've been up all night with the rock band that I know and I'm seeing double. Will return when I can string a sentence together.
take it easy
I'm afraid I'm rambling. i've been up all night with the rock band that I know and I'm seeing double. Will return when I can string a sentence together.

take it easy

hey hey hey everyone!!!!
how's life and everything!?
the birthday is coming pretty soon... and don't know what to do yet... any suggestions? i know i want a party... but don't really know what to do yet...
i was planning on having a nice dinner with friends, an early dinner with my really close friends, and then tell everyone else to come later at night.......
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how's life and everything!?
the birthday is coming pretty soon... and don't know what to do yet... any suggestions? i know i want a party... but don't really know what to do yet...
i was planning on having a nice dinner with friends, an early dinner with my really close friends, and then tell everyone else to come later at night.......
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estoy en la chamba, y no me dejan chatear mas.

I am so very sorry I still haven't been able to keep up with you my loves!
FICCO is to blame for my absence here... *FICCO (International Contemporary Film Festival in Mexico City)
also must I thank FICCO for amazing films such as The Boss of It All by Lars Von Trier, I don't want to sleep alone by Tsai Ming Liang from Malasya, Crickets...
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FICCO is to blame for my absence here... *FICCO (International Contemporary Film Festival in Mexico City)
also must I thank FICCO for amazing films such as The Boss of It All by Lars Von Trier, I don't want to sleep alone by Tsai Ming Liang from Malasya, Crickets...
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que que que que yo no soy narco, coo, me cagan los narcos y sus nacadas
ahora si xD

ahora si xD
im dogin very well - hella busy. but its cool - makes the days go by right?
thanks for the comment on mah puppy dawg!
thanks for the comment on mah puppy dawg!
Long Time, No Post....
HAPPIEST POST! (of the month perhaps... but you never know)
but anyways... I'm sorry it's been a while since I last wrote anything around here... life's been pretty darn crazy this past days... and will continue this way until the 22nd of this month... plus then there's the amazing Film Festival coming pretty soon and I'm just too excited!!!
I am...
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HAPPIEST POST! (of the month perhaps... but you never know)
but anyways... I'm sorry it's been a while since I last wrote anything around here... life's been pretty darn crazy this past days... and will continue this way until the 22nd of this month... plus then there's the amazing Film Festival coming pretty soon and I'm just too excited!!!
I am...
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ay que padre! yo voy a querer un autografo <3 eeeeh
te extrano mucho cabrona :/ tienes que venir para la expo tatuaje! es graaande, viene la Kat, de Miami Ink, muchas cositas bonitas como ropa, perfos, tattoos..
: 3 ojala pudieras venir <3
como has estado?
te extrano mucho cabrona :/ tienes que venir para la expo tatuaje! es graaande, viene la Kat, de Miami Ink, muchas cositas bonitas como ropa, perfos, tattoos..
: 3 ojala pudieras venir <3
como has estado?
mujeres hermosas tiene mexico!!!

Hey HAPPY POST!! very happy one!!!
This was an amazing weekend... though I had so many things to do during the weekend.... I had lots of fun and enjoyed every single thing I did...
Friday, srStinnky and I went out we went to "The Under" which is a bar we like a lot.... and finally met lovely Adelaida she is so sweet and nice and...
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This was an amazing weekend... though I had so many things to do during the weekend.... I had lots of fun and enjoyed every single thing I did...
Friday, srStinnky and I went out we went to "The Under" which is a bar we like a lot.... and finally met lovely Adelaida she is so sweet and nice and...
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Pues el pedo con Coachella esta de la siguiente manera:
Tickets for Sunday only where Rage is Headlining are about 300 dlls +. (those are the ones that are sold out)
Tickets for the 3 days are 290 dlls (those are still on sale)
Tonces lo que voy a hacer es, esperarme unas dos semanas mas y comprar los 3 boletos ya que los Kuleros de Mierda no quieren soltar los individuales.
Pero sincho que voy a estar por ay. Y el gallito no faltara y pos menos la chela.
Ay nos vemos en Coachella!!!
Tickets for Sunday only where Rage is Headlining are about 300 dlls +. (those are the ones that are sold out)
Tickets for the 3 days are 290 dlls (those are still on sale)
Tonces lo que voy a hacer es, esperarme unas dos semanas mas y comprar los 3 boletos ya que los Kuleros de Mierda no quieren soltar los individuales.
Pero sincho que voy a estar por ay. Y el gallito no faltara y pos menos la chela.
Ay nos vemos en Coachella!!!
New Ink Tomorrow!!!!! yay! finally!!!! Can't wait... my appointment is tomorrow 5pm to get my orchids done!!! srStinnky is the the designer for my orchids. I'm getting inked tomorrow and just can't wait!!!
Also I am going to his hockey game this evening
hope they'll win!!... let's go dinosaurs...!!!
Last night I went Karaoke with some friends because one of my dearest friends birthday it...
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Also I am going to his hockey game this evening

Last night I went Karaoke with some friends because one of my dearest friends birthday it...
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I just peeked at your "nite out" pics. You are so freakin' adorable!
you, you, you.