The best thing on the internet . Ever !
i haven't updated in a while so here ya go...
Most of my time is spent with Horizontal View (thats me band we have been recording and writing lots of kick ass new tunes getting tons of positive responce. just yesterday we where saposed to play a show at roccos but due to lack of professionalism and lying we decided to not play the...
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Most of my time is spent with Horizontal View (thats me band we have been recording and writing lots of kick ass new tunes getting tons of positive responce. just yesterday we where saposed to play a show at roccos but due to lack of professionalism and lying we decided to not play the...
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you seem well. go you.
you are some funny business.
i have...been wondering about the kids. and discussing the kids' well-being over an alcoholic beverage would be divine !
i do not work fridays!!!
i miss the awesome foursome.
i have...been wondering about the kids. and discussing the kids' well-being over an alcoholic beverage would be divine !
i do not work fridays!!!
i miss the awesome foursome.
oh man, i wonder if there will be kids in the hall dvds there.
that is true. ....
no it's not. I'm still bored.
no it's not. I'm still bored.
My fingers hurt
I got a new bass in the mail yesterday and i havn't been able to stop playing it.
Funny story, i kinda feel like a dumb ass but i got it and brought it home , plugged it in and it sounded like shit so i figured it was the battery, so i go th the store and get a new bat....
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I got a new bass in the mail yesterday and i havn't been able to stop playing it.
Funny story, i kinda feel like a dumb ass but i got it and brought it home , plugged it in and it sounded like shit so i figured it was the battery, so i go th the store and get a new bat....
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i messaged you in NHSG but i am gonna do it here too...
are you going to the SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY show at the legion on the 18th?? i will be there!
are you going to the SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY show at the legion on the 18th?? i will be there!
go get Dtehklok's new cd The dethalbum .
suck my ass.......please?
ya know the reason i didn't renew my member ship to this sight is because of one thing and i guess i forgot why when i singed back up.
Since when does a little tramp stamp and a fucking lebret ring constitute a suicide gils. theres no back bone anymore . it seems like , no wait it is definably all about the money now....
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Since when does a little tramp stamp and a fucking lebret ring constitute a suicide gils. theres no back bone anymore . it seems like , no wait it is definably all about the money now....
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hope you're well douche bag, more so, i hope my kids in the hall dvds are well
hope you're well douche bag, more so, i hope my kids in the hall dvds are well

Manchester is loosing places to hang out. I heard through the grape vine that the up town tavern was shutting its doors. we lost the bomb shelter a few years back. theres only a small hand full of places to go and see live music in manch. live music in manchester is going to be non existent pretty soon. its pretty sad when the best...
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Zach Wild is the man
thank you for your sweet comment on my rejected set
Thanks! I'm glad you liked the set ^_^
Guess whos back.. i guess... well who cares any way. im just here for the tittys
last summer was way fun. and that's the tooth.
you tell me!