Look Both Ways

" & the Eagle still flew in the sky
hearts filled w/ National Pride
then you came along
w/ your DRUG CRAZY songs
God damn it you're all gonna die!
God damn it, you're all gonna die!!"

Elton John & Bernie Taupin
Texas Love Song

Well, that was interesting. I was just in the library where a 12-14 year old boy was looking @ internet porn & dry jerkin' it in his drawers.


Not only that, he had an audience of about five other kids watching. Including his little brother.

I felt like cuffing the kid upside the head & tell him to stop being an idiot. However, I...
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Well, I used to live in Stockholm - and I used to be wrapped up in the big city-angst - but I moved to a small town three years ago and I like it a lot better! I always feel terrible when returning to visit Stockholm. frown
conscience is rare in the children of this fascist christian dictatorship nowadays. Nevertheless not all is lost in the young. Happy Thanksgiving dear elf kiss
Huh. I tried to log on yesterday, & it didn't work.

I thought I'd been "86"ed....

Oh well. It's still working. That's very good.

(Maybe I shouldn't have said that)....
There. I'm feeling much better now. I've been so busy of late, or having so much fun, or been being so creative, I'd nearly forgotten to have other moods.

But there's always some one to help, isn't there....


OMFG. That's alot of info to absorb.....

kiss kiss kiss smile
Hey there, Elf. Hows it doin' with you? It's better here. I'm on a cool new project trying to identify an unknown sauropod by looking at a cevical vertebra. Much fun....stupid people aside.
i've started sketching. for some reason this made me think of you . . . .
Today @ the Dr.'s office, I was asked:

"Where's your family"?


Well Hello
can I buy you
another glass of beer?
Well, thanks alot
it's kinda you
it's nice to know
you care....
These days
there's so much
going on.........
no one seems
to wanna know
I may be just
an old soldier
w/ a soul.....
but i know
how it feels
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I've found a new dream.

Having sex w/ a zygote.

Hell, I just can't get 'em young enough.

I've long ago tried the "Robert Crumb High Protein Infant Formula"

& plan to impregnate a child to steal & have sex w/ the fetus,

But this is my new bag....

We're running low on amatuer murderers.

woman haters,
wife beaters
sex offenders.....


especially fledgling murderers....

we're running low.

We'd better make some more.

Oh, did I forget racists?

'Cuz we're running low on these, too.

Yes. Redundant. I know.

Now, back in the real world....

I heard from my E.P. for the film today. Weza back in...
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Happy Halloween, all.

Well, so, I'm hanging out @ my new friend's house, & his room-mate comes home w/ his/her new spouse.

"Who are you? What are you doing here"? She asked.

"I'm a guest of so & so..."

Three minutes later, he (my new friend) approaches me & says:

"I'm sorry, but you're going to have to leave. She said that you molested her...
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Yesterday I ran around Faneuil Hall w/ a shark on my head, a red cape, & red booties.

I was "Captain Poseidon"

It was rad. I felt like a Suicide Girl.
I served my country. I apprehended the dreaded "Stick Man" for his insidious theft of a pretzel. Faneuil Hall Security thought him too HOT to take in, so I had an NSA agent do...
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Well, indeed it's been a while. Between harvesting grapes to make wine, making wine, doing some serious landscaping, working on some PR & looking to get some projects further off the ground, it's been busy.

(Then there's the whole living indoors thing, what w/ winter & everything....)

My film Producer has been in the hospital & incognito for a month.

My series Executive Producer got...
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Wow...can I come and stand in your shadow for a while? I'm very restless these days. I think it's the whole indoor thing as well. Glad to hear things are good for you. Keep me posted.

Okay. Long assed journal today.

The night before last, I went to the Burlesque show.
Ionly had enough $$ for 1 beer, which suckolaed. Thus I watched the Suicide girls (what I could see, 'cuz some idiots thought it would be fun to be ignorant idiots rather than show up early.

Toshi tali moo or Cama Tally vou or whatever the bands name is was,...
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you been distant for our conversing for a while - yet elf, i thrioughly enjoyed this enty for some unexplainable reason. I'm writing to you while i'm supposed to be doing something important . . . . kiss

Compton, CA

A television set. On it appears an bleached blonde "older" woman, standing before a podium in a black leisure suit. On her arm is a band which drew a great deal of attention in Europe in the late 1930's. On her right are Conservative Religious people. On her left are Leftist extremists.

She is speaking to the crowd.

"Are we going to...
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are you going to the burlesque show in northampton ? i dont know if the boy and i will be able to go because since i have been sick, we have no $ frown ~ i might be there though ! we cant go to the boston one because we have no $ to travel..hehe !
lol - your dream has brought me much laughter biggrin have a wonderful time at your entertaining tonight.