So met some of the SGSAC group and some visitors from SG Arizona at the Shady Lady on Sat. They were all really cool and I had a lot of fun. I cannot wait for the next meet up we have! smile

smile yay
fo shiz!
I just got home form karaoke (at the 7440 Club). I haven really sang much since I was sick and lost my voice in Dec-Jan. I can say my voice has finally healed. biggrin Now I have to work on it to get it back to par with where it used to be. Not that I am some amazing singer, I just hate it when I...
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nice to meet you! biggrin
So Ryan Reynolds and the cast from the Green Lantern will be at Wondercon in SF from 5-6. Now if I can leave work early I could make it... biggrin

But it is no fun to go alone... frown
Comin tomorrow night?
Shady Lady tomorrow night 8PM. Be there or be square! I'm pretty sure some of the SGSAC members would like to meet you. smile
Only three more days untill the weekend. Sill not sure what all to do. There is the SGSAC meet up at the Shady Lady on Sat. My application is still pending for that group, I have no idea what the hold up is, but I am still planning on going on Sat. I hope there is a good turn out.

There is also Wondercon this...
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oh yay! see you sat! smile
I'm bummed I'm not going to Wonder Con this year
So this was one hell of a weekend.

Thursday we celebrated St Patrick's Day at the Shady lady. I drank a lot and had a blast. Started with 3 for dinner and ended the night with 16. smile

Friday breakfast at the Black Bear Diner. Then pack for a SCA camping event in the rain. Get to the site and no rain! I party all night...
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on my back, lower right hand side, hopefully about the same size as my other girl, so about 12 inches smile
i know right? biggrin
So I met Kim Harrison author of the Hallows series. She was cool, funny and way down to earth. Long like but well worth the wait. smile

I get a new phone today. It is the HTC Inspire. It should kick ass but I will see.

Now for tonight... Not sure what to do yet. Bar? Club? Movie? Sell myself on the street corner? wink Seriously if...
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You should definitely sell yourself on the street corner. Maybe somewhere on Stockton Blvd. HAHAHA!! Well, whatever you do, I hope you have FUN! I'm off to Oakland this afternoon for my shoot with Lorelei... WISH ME LUCK!!

And thank you AGAIN for my gifts! I wore my boots most of yesterday while I was out galavanting with my mom. lol She wanted to steal them from me. I said, "No way, Jose!" biggrin But you really are awesome for getting me gifts! You sooooo didn't have to... but it was much appreciated smile

Good luck... not that you need it! But the real thing is that you have fun. Lorelei is one cool chick and she does great work. I think you will have a blast.
I hope to be moving soon. I want to find a place downtown. I spend a lot of time down there and feel more at home there.

Things have been better at work lately and my social life is good. And I get to meet Kim Harrison tomorrow!!!

Now what to do this weekend. I think I want to go out Friday and hell maybe...
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So one of my favorite authors (Kim Harrison) will be in town on Thursday signing books and talking about her up coming publications. It should be fun. I am pretty excited about it. If you know who she is come on out.

Borders Books & Music
2339 Fair Oaks Boulevard
6:00 pm

I got something in the mail from you today! biggrin THANK YOU SO MUCH! That is seriously one of my faves and I haven't seen it in a while. So that was definitely a nice surprise today! Thank you thank you thank you! You are so very awesome. smile

All us SG Sac folks are gonna meet up at Shady Lady next month so we can all finally meet and hopefully get some events going and stuff. SO, if you aren't already in the SGSac group on here, join now! biggrin


I just got a second package in the mail from you! lol THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! I'll be sure to take some sexy nakey pictures in those boots. biggrin They are amazing and fit perfectly! I got choked up I was so happy! No one ever makes a big deal out of my birthday so it felt good to get not one package .. BUT TWO! smile I feel so blessed.

Thank you thank you! xoxox <3
I am excited. I bought some more dressy clothes today. Macy's and the Men's Warehouse are my two of my favorite places to shop. I love dressing up and going out. Especially when we go to the Shady Lady. In fact I will be there tonight after a birthday dinner for a friend at Chicago Fire (a kick ass pizza place downtown). The night is...
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Hehe! Awww! Well, thank you for the early birthday wishes! biggrin
So I just got back from a kick ass bar in my town called the Shady Lady. I am a little drunk so bear with me. I met a few more cool peeps there and it was one hell of a time. But why is it I am so shy to talk to women??? I mean seriously, why do beautiful women intimidate me so much....
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I like that the bar is called Shady Lady haha
It is so cool. It has a 1920s feel to it and they even serve cocktails close to how they were made back then.