In Phoenix for work for the week. I don't know anyone here but I do like this town. Just think if I had someone to show me around.
Once again alone for New Years.
Yes I have friends, and yes I am going to be with some of them tonight. But I want someone to kiss at midnight, not just anyone but someone I want to kiss at midnight.
Maybe next year.
I am working in Anaheim this week. Have no idea what to do with myself when I am not working. I love to travel, but like to do it with company. Traveling alone kinda sucks.
Today is my birthday. I am excited about tonight, dinner at Kupros and then karaoke at the Distilley in midtown with friends. Should be fun.
It is currently 32 F in Sac. It was a very cold walk home form the bar. Alone as usual. But not as lonely tonight. My kitties were excited to see me when I got home. Goodnight SG land.
Went out and got drunk tonight, sang some karaoke, Now I sit at home and the loneliness hits. I hate this feeling. I really need to find a girl to share my time with.
Went out tonight to the club, I hate it when you are surrounded by people but feel so alone...
So I get to drive down to Ventura in Southern Cal for work. I will be there for a few days. I hope it will be fun. I just wish I knew someone to visit while there. Oh well I guess it will be a solo adventure.
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I decided to go to Kublacon (a gaming convention in the bay area) this last weekend even though it would be expensive. I felt I needed a vacation. A break from everything. I get there on Friday have a wonderful time and...
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