I'M GOING TO GET MY AR-15 IN HALF AN HOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hooray for semi-automatic firearms!!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
my ten year high school reunion is coming up next month. i've been waiting for this for...well...ten years! my boss' wedding just so happens to be on the very same day, go figure. seeing as my boss is the one that freaked out and removed himself as co-signer for my harley, then selling it when i couldn't find another co-signer, i really feel no guilt...
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Your comment made me laugh so hard. That's the way i feel, well minus the pig fucking! Fuck 'em all!
I just saw my friend from highschool. We went to a small private highschool together and we were the only two graduates. While i was talking to her i realized it was our 5 year reunion, and everyone showed up!
can't tell if the pic uploaded but my b-day pic is now my profile pic as well.
That's a great gift to yourself! Glad you had a good birthday. Gettin' older ain't easy! kiss
You have new Picture Mail!

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<head><title>A Picture Album from my PCS Vision Camera</title>
<!-- lsPictureMail-Share-SEer4mJM7YPvhUxLkQGx-comment
&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;
&lt;messageContents type=&quot;PICTURE&quot;&gt;
&lt;messageText&gt;Thanks to everyone for the happy b-day wishes. Had a chill evening playing 9 ball with a few friends. Here&#39;s my present to myself (bling bling!).&lt;/messageText&gt;
&lt;mediaItem id=&quot;1&quot;&gt;

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i slept all friggen day yesterday, i hate losing days like that. now it feels like i only get one day off instead of two. mad mad mad
Happy Birthday dude!!!
I hate sleeping late on my days off. I feel like it's a complete waste, well even though it's great! You know what i mean. Hope you had a great Birthday! kiss
one more week and i'm officially 28. this means nothing aside from the fact that i get to remind myself that i have done fuck all with my life, am in debt, and no where near as responsible as i need to be, oh, and to feel that much more like an old dirty bastard when i have "unclean" thoughts about the 18 to 20...
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my kitten is going through her first heat right now. this is a special time apparently. it's kind of odd, i had always wanted to be the guy that waits for the young boy that comes to my door to take my daughter (if and when i ever become a dad) out on her first date, and then leads the boy to view my gun...
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Aw, your gonna make a good daddy some day. I always love when guys' talk about how they will treat their daughters' gentlemen callers' ( i love that term).
Good luck keeping that tomcat away.
Take care. kiss
i've lost my love. my boss has decided to retract his role as cosigner for my harley mad mad mad. this is not without reason, mind you, he is a dick, but not that big of one. i was late with one payment a few months ago, had a bad month, whatever, got back on track, everything was cool. now, the month before last i sent off...
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Sorry to hear about your baby! Hopefully you'lll get her back. Take Care! kiss
Still know any peeps in Atlanta that I should look into for my next tat?
i fear that i may never be able to get caught up on all the things that need to be done in my life. i'm not talking about things i gotta do before i die thing like "-jump out of a perfectly good airplane. -have a threesome with a set of asian twins. -kill mickey mouse..." and so on and so forth. i just can't...
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No fuck being an adult!!! Whatever happend to the good 'old days of living care free, hanging with friends, have some after school part time job and making sure that you aren't late for dinner!
Have a good weekend!! kiss

And i love your tattoo.

[Edited on May 06, 2005 3:31PM]
Thank you so much for the awesome ink! I love it. I'm hoping to make use of Slie's digital camera and get some pics up on the site soon. Many thanks again.
my kitten, monkey, got out last night. normally, i'm all about letting cats go in or outside whenever they feel the need, however, monkey's a special case.
when my monkers could still fit in the palm of my hand (about 6 months ago) she took a bit of a spill. my best guess is that she was climbing around where she shouldn't have been and...
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Awe, poor kitty, and poor you. I had to give my cat a bath one time and he bit me so hard through a sweatshirt I had to get a tetinus shot. . . I didn't blame him though.

Stopped by the shop yesterday, my grampa died so I was taking my sister out trying to cheer her up. I guess you weren't there though frown I've ran into quite a few people with some of your work on them, you sure are good at what you do!! smile smile Well enough babbling
Have a great day!
love kiss love kiss
You have such a cute kitty! Glad she's ok. I'm coming in on Friday to get ink from you. See you then.
All hail monkey miao!! , warrior queen, slayer of feet, demolisher of blinds, and sacred keeper of dropped q-tips!

i just had to tell everyone who's listening that my kitten miao!! , monkey, fuckin kicks ass, i have witnessed her shred every set of feet that have come through my door. she tracks, hunts, and then attacks without prejudice or remorse. as this grey lightning bolt unleashes...
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My old puppy Slinky used to attack all my friends that came over. He was fond of shoes and pantlegs. It'd make me laugh as well. He was just alittle weiner dog, and the horrid look on everyones face when he'd go to town, well it was just priceless! I miss him lots! frown