Things I learned from watching Terminator Salvation:

Spoiler Alert! (even though this movie is already pretty rotten)

It's okay to make films that have about 5% original content as long as the other 95% of the film continually "homages" any previous film in the franchise.

MCG is a shitty, shitty director.

Skynet is too inept to track or simply follow the helicopters and jets so...
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i was thoroughly confused by this movie i had waited so anxiously to see. pffffft. it had potential.
Random musing of the day:

I don't like the color pink. The singer Pink is hot, but I don't like her music. I'm indifferent about using the word pink as slang for vagina. There are far better choices which decorum prohibits me from elaborating on here.

Two blogs in one day?! I'm positively verbose lately.

Funny story. There is a bunny who likes to taunt my dog by standing about ten feet away fro where her chain ends. My dog pulls and barks like mad, but the bunny just stands there nonchalantly. I'm convinced that evil bunny is determined to drive my dog to therapy...and I think that's hilarious.
A manifesto of sorts.

I like the phrase finger bang even though I do not use bang in place of fuck. I just say fuck. I like sex that can be described as primal, full of sweat, moans, groans, whimpers and heavy breathing. Sex with pawing hands kneading flesh, leaving marks. Pulling hair, grabbing hips, biting nips and necks, whispering filthy, lewd thoughts and making...
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Hola from April 28, 2009!
smart ass smile bok
I like how you write and what you say. It's very honest... it's the kind of shit i wish came out of me when i wrote about myself.