Women's "Rights" in Saudi Arabia
How can they do this? IT'S UNISLAMIC. Trust me! I know, I've studied.

Jesus Christ. Read this. It's sickening. Forget Iraq, Saudi Arabia is the one place where the US could "bring democracy to the people" and they might actually want it. Let's go there and takeover their oil... mad
I agree with you. I may have been a proud US Marine, but that doesn't by a longshot mean that I condone the use of force for anything less than what is necessary.

We definitely have the ability to turn crop into fuel. But as always, the biggest obstacle involves money. Both the up-front expense of such a conversion, and the resistance by those who would stand to lose out if that ever occured. And the latter has such powerful friends.
About my snake...

It's an albino Californian King snake. The pink will eventually turn to white as she grows up. She's only 3 months old.

Example of an adult albino snake:


She doesn't bite, she's always sweet and gentle. smile
Finally finished that blasted Turgay paper! I was up until almost 3 am doing that and studying for the Arabic test, which was easy, even though I don't think that I did especially well on it. Now, I'm not even tired, I think that I'm running on pure adrenaline or something, because even when I get like 8 hours of sleep (the three times per...
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Hey ! It would be very cool if you were the new Carry Bradshaw !
C'mon Drea, give us torid sex stories !! wink
And who's gonna be Monsieur Gros ?
Stupid fat gray ball of fat fluff. In a moment of close, intense cuteness, le petit chat m'a rapp le nez. It's small and I put peroxide on it but it hurts. Fat squibber gerbil lard ball of fat. I love that silly little fluffball so much, I can't even stand it.
Still working on this effing paper! Left the very last part to the...
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Pretty responsible there buddy I thought you MTL gals would be out celebrating Eli's set by now ... WTF?

Are we talking hershey kisses here? I love those.

maybe the cat was getting in a pre-emptive strike before you tape pink hearts on it.

Working on the Pakistan part of my paper. Bluh. In terms of family planning, Pakistan's the crapper...I don't know about anything else. Girls who go to Pakistan always come back with the nicest scarves. Ach, I'm rambling. It has recently come to my attention that Valentine's Day is fast approaching, and that, alas, je suis toute seule encore. I don't need a man. I want...
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Hey sugar... Je vais probablement aller MTL la journe de la St-Valentin... je te confirmerai le tout dans le courant de la semaine prochaine !!!

Love you Pingi... kiss
300 bucks

reallly interesting.

Heck yeah maybee you should do the naked thing on the net, looking at the pics Eli posted of you and her at the bar; your pretty gosh darn hot.

But hey your journal is plenty entertaining as is; well except for the hairy dude in speedo visual, shit wait a minute wasn't that me?

Your friendly neighborhood teddykevsmile

It's possible that after 4 years of getting B's and B+'s, I'm finally IN THE ZONE. I got back a midterm today that I worked on for two hours, and I GOT AN A. An A! Wowsers. I can't believe it. I should mention though, that I am extremely grateful for this and that I will continue work (sort of) hard to keep it up....
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oh happy day on the A!

im bummed on her attitude.
cock n balls
Am having piece of chocolate mousse cake. Bad me. Mmmm. Starguitar rules. Have I mentioned this? kiss
Je travaille sur mon essai de planification familiale dans le monde musulman. Vous ne croyez pas comment ca m'interesse.

I was just holding kitty in my arms like a little baby. He was biting my zipper. Just like a baby. Oh! Babies!

So much of my life seems to centre around the uterus...

s'cuse-moi mais j'avais pas accs l'internet Montral. alors je vois ton message l, trs tt lundi matin, Moncton.

En fin d'compte, moi-mme je n'tais pas aux spectacles.. .

Ma band a finit par faire des enregistrements tard vendredi, puis toute la journe dimance. Mais pour les Paens O Patro Vys, il parrait que sa c'est bien pass.

J'ai juste eu la chance d'aller voir mon ancien cafe du quartier, dans le Mille-End. Il a brul ya quelque semaines, mais le prorprio, mon ami, na pas tard d'ouvrir un petit caf satlite temporaire.

pour ton essaie, sur la planification familiale, j'ai des photos super cools et mmes drles sur le sujet.

Quand j'tais en Tunisie, il ya avait une grosse campagne de propagande sur ce sujet. Je dit propagande, car la campagne consistait des des affiches qui taient PARTOUT et taken right from STalin's little book of propaganda. Le style tati trs in your face, et pour un sujet si sensible (en tous cas, en 89, c'tait touchy en Tunisie) trs directe.

J'ai des slides et je vais essayer de les scanners pour toi. J'oublie la traduction ( mon controle de la langue arabe fue vite gang, vite perdu).

But yeah, your life could revolve around worse things than your uterus. Mine revolves around depression, and I figure if I could shift that focus down to my family jewels, my world would be a better place....mmmm, or maybe not.

Mon monde moi tourne pas mal autour de ma recherche d'emploi... maudite perte de temps frown Ah, et aussi autour de ma queue... il faut bien se changer les ides de temps en temps biggrin

En passant, je vais peut-tre aller MOntral lundi prochain (le 14 fvrier)... je t'en reparle kiss D'ici l, je vais aller te parler sur MSN... Envoie-moi une autre photo si tu en as une... je vais mieux te reconnatre si je monte MTL blush

kisses everywhere...
So much yuv for the Wumbus... love
He's sleeping under my lamp.
He's a squibber, a gerbil, a squirbel.
Please someone call me or something. starguitar ? Maybe?

Francis, ou-es toi? kiss
Perhaps it's best...
not to have a boyfriend. All it ever does for my friend H is make her miserable. She feels like the boyfriend treats her like a last resort. The boyfriends of other friends also seem to cause them more mental anguish than anything else, they seem like they are with them mainly because they have already invested so much time and energy...
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awoman needs a man, like a fish needs a bicylce.
The whole significant others thing is so overly complicated. Why did we ever settle on such an approximative and error-prone mean of selecting partners?

Dans mon cas, je pense que j'ai copine, peut-etre. Je suis pas trop sur de ce qu'elle veut. C'est embettant un peu toute cette incertitude.

Bonne chance...
My eye itches. I hope I'm not going blind. I went to student health about it. This was utterly useless. Bit bored now, really. Doing homework for my French class tomorrow. shocked
J'ai oubli de vous dire que j'ai du rendre une visite d'urgence au dentiste lundi. This was every bit as fun as it sounds. Now, it hurts like a son of a beach every time I bite on that area of my mouth. I'm not a biter, don't panic, but damn! Ouchies! I hate going to the dentist. I hate the fact that dentist goes...
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you rock!

ma chre, tu es sur mes "bookmarks" car je ris chaque fois que je lis tes postes. Trouve toi un "booty call buddy", a change le mal de place.

Si tu veux une sortie cool, vendredi le 28 jan et samedi, mes amis vont jouer un gig la salle O Patro Vys, en haut du Billykun, sur Montroyal.

On est de Acadiens, pis si tu veux gouter toute un autre ct de la culture franco-canadienne, tu devrais check a out. Si seulement pour entendre notre freaky accent pis sens d'humoure tout--fait diffrente des Qubcois (qui ont quand mme un pas bad sens d'humour) Warning, la musique est du genre de miles davis meets medeski martin and wood genre jazz et non pas de la musique traditionnel.

Pis who knows, ya beaucoup d'Acadiens ex-pats Montral, so peut tre que je pourrais te prsent un cute Acadien. Moi, je vis en Acadie, so no worries about me hitting on ya. But for a fellow SG member, I'd be happy to help ya meet and greet.Mes amis Montral sont toutes pas mal cool pis super easygoin'; c'est dans notre DNA d'tre easygoing.

example of Acadian humor: Why do Acadian men make better lovers? 'Cause they don't have a job to wake up for in the morning. (unemployment is pretty rampant here in the Ireland of the francophone world.)

But yeah, you're a witty, cute and cultured person. I'm sure you could find a "bed warmer" if you really tried. Montral is a really randy city.
Yep, that's where I indeed live at the moment. I didn't grow up there, however. It's more of a recent move (bit over a year ago). I may or may not stay, because as beautiful as it is there are some major disadvantages... such as the fact that they've currently got so much snow there is litterally nowhere for me to park my truck and thus no point in even going home.

My sister's husband and family have the real roots there. In fact, her husband's family is relatively well known from what I can tell. Myself, I'm thinking about buying a house or condo soon, but I'm going to start my search in an area that is more accessable to my current profession.

I need to see a dentist also. Lost a filling recently. I have health insurance but it doesn't include dental. Looks like it'll be an out-of-pocket expense. Doh!
Holding the Squibber and talking to Eli are the best parts of my day....