will you measure it all out first.. so you dont leave a single inch of turf 'uncovered'
you will probably get sick of the idea after the first acre
They don't get told when you decline a friend request.
I have a habit of only accepting friends I like. If they really want to follow your journal they can bookmark you.
But usually it's just because they want to see the pics you have in the albums marked "Friends Only".
WOW it's all happening...
Got pre-approved for a mortgage today... going to look at properties on thursday YAY!!!!
Could be just a couple of weeks before i am having a landwarming party on my very own 100acre slice of nature!
And yes, Leo, we will have dirt bikes
Sounds like a Winnie The Poo story with the whole 100acre woods and all, that's good news congrats, I bought my first block of land at 17 and i still have haha I haven't done much with it mind you all it does is feed some cows but hey it is mine.
I grew up on a farm with dirt bikes in fact my last bike was an XR650 but that's a tragic story for another day.
We have acreage at Tambourine and Canungra I love that area, I hope you find what your after.
Sorry to anyone i may have offended it was definately not my intention!
Anyway lets just remember that we are all concerned for the same reason- we think this person is awesome
For me an important part of "getting over it" I need to air it. Rook said it right when he said "no two people ever experience the same incident the same way." I... Read More
I've really been doing some self analysis these past few days. Other peoples actions and things others have been talking about in their blogs have really made me think about my past, where i have been, where i am now, and where i want to be headed. I think for about the past 6 months I have been blindly stumbling around confusing what i needed... Read More
It sounds like some real positive decisions have been reached.
Good for you. Here's hoping life holds up its end of the deal and lets you set them in motion.
I have to admit I don't know much of your personal politics, and to be honest, as its not my business, I don't really care to. You seem like a genuine person and any ruffled feathers you cause are, I'm sure, unintentional.
I don't know if you've read it, but one of the points discussed in Dale Carnegie's book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is that no two people ever experience the same incident the same way. Its just not possible; our individual points-of-view are too different. Hence, misunderstandings happen. They always have done and always will do. The best we can hope for is to be humane enough to recognise it when it happens and do what we can to correct it.
Thus spake me (and Dale Carnegie).
Looking forward to hearing about how your new life works out.
i got my period today
thought you might all like to know
seems like a big deal, but i can't think why just is amusing
you know it feels like i am letting out all my anguish etc from the last month... kind of like rebirthing.
i see you boys turning an odd shade of lime and vomiting on your keyboards. Harden up, its only... Read More
most of you will already know i have been accepted to submit SG sets... i WAS working on one, only did a kind of trial shoot and was in the process of getting ready to do it properly when i got some TERRIBLE news that the particular theme would not be accepted. So theres a preview of what they... Read More
Most certainly back on line, the internet is back on at home! I won't be able to reply all the time though, as I don't have that much time on my hands these days to chase the goings on of SG, but will endevour to keep in contact.
Druggie, or just a person who happens to have done a few drugs? Druggie: I'd enter with extreme caution.
YAY my t-shirt finally arrived... took 1 1/2 days to get from states to brissy... took two hours to get cleared by customs... took 3 weeks for DHL to drop it off at my local post office (NOT at my house as per arranged and PAID for )
In total the whole postage experience was meant to last a total of a week... guess where... Read More
What a wonderful way to start the new year... watching one of the farm dogs slowly die because the owner doesn't think $250 is worth it.
Yesterday morning we removed a paralysis tick from her. If she had been taken to the vet it would have cost $250 to get the antivenom and would have been back to her usual self. She had partial paralysis... Read More
People don't realise that pet ownership is like having a child! When you take that animal home, you are agreeing to look after it. You wouldn't let your child die from a paralysis tick, don't let it happen to the dog!