Today is the first day of about 100 days of Hell at work! =( It's gonna be a long summer......
"One must not lose desires. They are mighty stimulants to creativeness, to love, and to long life." - Alexander A. Bogomoletz
wow, i love this words^^
Bleh. I should be home sick today but I'm out of PTO. My goal is to try to not feel worse by the end of the day, wish me luck! frown
Yeah, spread the Dowdy virus! 28 Days later.....
28 weeks later.... wink
This day just needs to hurry up and be over! frown
Merci! it's been a long time coming! I'm very happy that I'm doing the photography full time now smile
Thanks for friending me! I agree about today :/ Hope your week gets better!
Freedom in T-minus 7 hours and counting......... smile
Wooo let's hear it for FREEDOM!
I have a compelling urge to jump into a pool filled with jello! Who's with me? biggrin
Haha, now that sounds like fun!

"The trouble with leaving your feet on the ground is that you never get to take your pants off." - Ringo Starr
Thank you smile that pic is from my set in Member Review right now smile I hate when fans act like that too! I never shit talk because I did that once and I totally ate my words! I've learned the karma train lesson!
Oh how I miss you my love, my heart aches to leave you every morning! I shall think of you all day until that glorious moment when I can crawl into you again! Until then my darling... I love you... dear bed! love
I have a dilemma... I commute 55 miles(round trip) to a job that I hate every day. It's very physicaly demanding, and vitually sucks the life out of me. My wife on the other hand, works at home, on her computer, in her pajamas all day. All I want to do on the weekend is to hang at home, have a few beers and relax....
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you should get to relax on the weekends at home if you want! maybe she could go to the beach with friends sometime? You shouldn't always have to do what she wants, 50/50 right? wink
The liklihood of complete mental and physical collapse has become quite real. Oh my fucking God, I need a vacation! surreal
I had a crazy, over the top, emotional roller coaster of a dream last night. It was so full of deep rooted, personal demons and hidden meanings that it may take me a good while to merely scratch the surface of. Needless to say the rest of my day will be spent in an over-retrospective haze! Happy hump-day SG land.