So i HAD a basal cell tumor on my scalp but as soon as the biopsy confirmed it, i started treating it with vitamin C topically, and increasing my intake of vit c to about 2-3000mg a day. I also take a one-a-day mens multi-vit. I thought i was doing mohs surgery but it was just the initial consult. They just told me the procedure...
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I want a smart bathroom mirror that displays my weight, body fat %, weather outside, top headlines, and time/date. any events i have that day from my google calendar. It should analyze the pee I just flushed before i showered and alert me of any problem. patent this and make me a millionaire.
i'm back, just for a year though, accidentally clocked the link to reactivate and my card was still good so what the hell, i'll snoop in ass appreciation to appease me.
reminder we need more of you in chat...
its free and fun.
yep, im outta here. dont really use the site anymore now that chat isnt integrated. i'll leave this up for a a few weeks then cancel. If you know me, you can fb me or see in chat.
Thanks to nevynll, the new chat has login usernames now so go check it out.
and SG has nothing to do with helping us nor linking to it. So really i don t see much reason to renew in Feb unless SG helps us. I am owner of the runners group but that isnt enough to keep me.
tic toc..

Suck it Giants fans
Birthday week comin up. It's not the years, it's the mileage.

get to pismo
come back
put my phone on my truck
get my key out
put key on keyring
open drivers door
get in
drive off with phone on top of my truck.
made it all the way home (15 miles) and said, WHERE THE FUCK IS MY PHONE!!
then i realized what i did.
RACE Back to the...
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