So yesterday my sister accidentally let the cat out of our upstairs apartment and he made it downstairs and launched himself into the tree. needless to say..no one was happy about that. So instead of taking him to the shelter monday, i called and they took him last night. It's a really nice place, once they're up to date on everything they get free run...
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I'm sorry my friend frown
So...until further notice...i have a kitten. My mom's wigging out but he's staying up here with me and he'll stay in the ferret's room while i'm at work until sara gets home from school at 1.

He's white with grey spots and the bluest eyes i've ever seen. I wish i had a damn camera.
Name suggestions?

Also, i guess i should see if anyone...
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In continuing with posts that use music videos to convey my current state of mind:

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

I've come to find that i always seem to be a few days or so behind in all of my affairs. It's not that i'm slow i just seem to think em out a bit more than the fast paced aces i do business with these...
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Lets take a ride and see what's mine wink
Good call!
You know, sometimes i think i'm prettiest when i first wake in the morning. With my orange hair going ways i wish i could keep in my waking hours, my edges softened from 4 to 8 hours of temporary relief from my daily insanity, my eyes seem darker but twinkle, complexion seems clearer, looking just wonderful in those first streams of light of the day....
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That's pretty cool, I"m glad you see it. smile
Tentative plans #2 called off. After a really shitty work week (even with some time off) my nerves are just frazzled. And it's super fucking depressing in this empty house. Whats a gal to do eh?

I really want to take a trip into the city soon. i've never been there during the holidays. its kinda shameful i know. And there's so many things i...
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SPOILERS! (Click to view)

You know what i want for christmas?
I want some of the happiness that everyone else in my life has found
I want to look forward to waking up and not fear going to sleep.
I want to feel and be treated like a human being again.
I want god, something or someone to save me.

Those are my cards folks....
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And that is not asking for much either. A decent human being or real friends should be able to help you out with most of those request.
Ever have a day where you were out running around and did so much and yet you feel like you got nothing accomplished at all?
To be honest, I'm pretty sure I do. I think it's cuz I have a lot of shit to do & the really important shit is the type of stuff it takes months maybe years to do. Like pay off big debts... Man I suck ass mad
Im making it a point to go to Revolver this week to talk to Jessie about my memorial tattoo, hell if she's free when i go in, i'll get it on the spot. also need to see what todd has in stock in 2g and 0g. thinking about going up. These weights are killing me.

My face is healing up nicely. The redness has gone...
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Aint that the fucking truth, I'm glad some people know better
english muffin pizzas are one of my favorite comfort foods. biggrin
I just had a nice little moment with myself. Somtimes, when you have something for a long time, you kind of forget to notice it's there and maybe lose sight of how fucking awesome it is. And i actually took a good 10 second look at my left wrist tattoo just now and i just have the biggest shit eating grin ever on now. That...
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Ah man, that guy got to look at your cute little nose. I'm missing out on life right now frown