
My internet was down until about half an hour ago, I think. Not sure exactly when it was fixed, but at least I've got it back.

Trying to write songs again. Not going very well. This Year-long singular writer's block isn't good. Think I'm putting all my creative energies into the band. Ah well. I'll spend time playing some Chris Gorman. I dug out...
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Hey, you're in SG Scotland now, thanks for applying.

Get over there and make yourself at home, we're going out for drinks pretty soon.
My new cards came in today. 4 Bicycle "Ghost" Decks (lovely, white and beautiful), one pack of Black Tigers and one pack of badass black, red and SILVER "Tally Ho" Vipers. All of them are brilliant, but top marks go to the ghost decks (which I will use to death in my usual routines) and the Vipers, which will be flourished into dust within the...
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Gah. I had a dream that tomorrow's gonna be all bright, sunny, crisp with frost and eye-hurting, and my Aviators are still in St Andrews. My own damn fault for leaving them. Grr. Ah well. Nothing happening on going out yet, hopefully soon...
Finally. It seemed to take forever for my stuff to come in the post, and now it's here. Got my membership (you might have guessed) got my deck of cards (now I can show off my skills properly!) and my new tshirt.


Gonna go out tonight and get some magic done! See how many fone numbers I get. Hopefully a running total tomorrow. Hehe.