I got the job!

I'm now gonna be a Jger Dude. This'll be fun. It turns out, for less work, I'm gonna be getting more money than I'm getting at Sainsburys right now, and I think I'm in need of a change. Been working there for a year and a half, I'm getting bored. Can't stand to be in a job for that length of...
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Ok, so for the last few days, my internet has not been working. So my university webmail has not been checked. Therefore, I did not know where to go today to enrol for subjects and uni modules OR whether they were actually enrolling today. So, I trooped around the uni campus, going to all the departments that I needed to go to, (Philosophy, Physics, Music,...
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Unfotunately in London there are too many Emo peeps, I'd run out of ammo even with the US milltary budget with a week. Would part of your screen name be Cathedrel based in anyway then?

Slavonic Studies? Is that History, Culture or a bit of everything? Quite a long reaching study in anycase, my knowledge of it at the mo relates to it with relation to Europe and Byzantium around the Dark Ages/Medieval era
Sat my Philosophy exam today, exams are over!

Finally. But I've still got the bloody music assignment to do for thursday. It can wait. This weekend is for partying!

Been listening to Jonny Lang all day, it's kept me in a relatively mellow mood. Might see if Carly, Quaig and Sairy want to go to Bliss tonight, it'll be good to unwind with a drink...
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Good to meet you tonight, man. Hope your evening went well.

Nice hat, by the way...
Earlier today, I submitted my application to be a Jager Dude, and I just got my email saying that my interview's on tuesday, at Otis B Driftwood. Fantastic!

Key points:

How long will I be working with them?
How much better is the pay than at my current job?
And basically:
Can I leave my current job and be a full-time Jager Dude?

It's a...
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More or less right that, it's the Gaelic Arcadia, the Otherworld. What sort of music does your band play?

Good luck with the job smile
Jesus. I was sooo angry when I came online. My little sis has her high-pitched giggling friends over and her bedroom's next to mine. Turned up my amp (naturally) and played some Steve Vai, but I was told to turn it off. Damn, I feel like I'm stuck in a teen movie. Way for me to seem pathetic. Won't have to deal with it much...
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Well, my boring life isn't taking any more scary, eventful turns any time soon, I don't think.

Now that that terrible english is out of the way, I can start again.

Going to the Puffer tonight to have dinner with Quaig and Sairy, should be fun. Except that I have my ExCos exam tomorrow. Shit. Ah well, bugger it. I might not get the credits...
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Lots of Jager. Dope at party.

The fizzy man is back with a vengeance, Ruthless.

Damn you, James, damn you to hell!!!

Hehehe. (affects serious giggles and pretends to look for some munchies, because it's not that great.)

I've realised that if I start to defend myself, I'll just end up sounding like someone who isn't admitting to an addiction. Can't win, can I?

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Jesus. If anyone's on the Weebl and Bob mailing list, or loves Weebl and Bob, don't check out the new Weebl and Bob cartoon!

It's for your own good!!!!

I told you, remember? Don't say I didn't warn you! *cries*

Anyway. Went drinking at the QM. Not such a good idea, you might think, given my recent alcoholism, but it seemed to turn out ok....
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I was online at that time last night too, also wasted robot smile
Haha. You saw right through my excellent grammar and spelling.

Well, you can't fool everybody.

I really was wasted. Proabably not enough, the post would have been more interesting, I suspect.
frown tongue kiss

[Edited on Jan 13, 2006 3:57AM]

Just something I once heard.

"I shall kiss you this time and no other, in the hope that this growing rose may bloom, wither and be gone almost all at once. That in one beautiful moment all the endless years of our eternities may be confined to one act, so simple yet so deliciously complex..."

Nice. Sounds vaguely familar but I'm buggered if I can remember where from.