Aaaargh. Ok.

Haven't updated in a while, been soooo busy.

Arcadia are starting to record our first studio album on friday, over the space of 5 weeks. Hopefully in 2 months we'll have a fully sellable and playable album. I can't wait!

Jammed with Jen and her friend today in an empty chapel (!?!) with acoustic guitars, a mandolin and a baby grand piano. That...
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Fiery Goodness!

Great party on... bugger... two nights ago.
Can't remember what day it was. See what holidays from work do to Matt? Can't figure out what day it is without a job to tell me what day yesterday was. Ah well.

Xander and Ruthless came down from St Andrews, so there was fiery goodness in the form of fire staff, fire snakes, fire poi,...
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Well, Hypocrisy was fucking brutal, and seriously good. Sanguinus (Stu's band) were supporting and they kicked a fair amount of ass, with a bit of polishing of the stageshow they'll be seriously good. Noctiferia were after Sanguinus, a sort of growlier-than-Rob-Zombie-crossed-with-Soulfly industrial metal band. They were totally playing to the wrong crowd, but me and Puppy gave all we were worth to make them feel...
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Of course I wouldnt have told you to fuck off! Some people however... mad wink Your guitar sounds nice, I have a Fender Strat but my dad has a really nice tele smile
Walking home in the torrential vertical downpour that is the beauty of Scotland at midnight is fantastic. With my hat keeping the rain off my face, and no wind blowing whatsoever, a thoroughly pleasant end to the shitfest that is Valentines day was had by Matt. Plus HiM on my iPod helped. Still couldn't stop thinking about my little "Poison Girl" though. I've decided it's...
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It's worth keeping a pen and paper underneath your pillow to record them. I tend to find that if I think about them during the day before writing them down, I end up applying logic and structure on my dreams. Which is rather missing the point.
Well, I took the bull by the horns, and all I got seems to be bullshit. No arguments, as is my way, but also no Yaz at the end of it all. She's still with her guy, still unhappy, and I'm left sitting feeling like a fool because she won't let herself be happy because it might "be the wrong decision again". Bullshit.

So I'm...
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She certainly looks worth fighting for. But if she's scared of making that decision, how long can you keep chasing? Is it worth putting your life aside?
Thanks, man.

I'm hoping to have it resolved within the month. But if I can't do it in two months, then
1. It'll fuck me up, and
2. I'll just have to get on with it.

Plus, nothing's really getting put aside. Sadly, I'm not really in the frame of mind to chase after females at the moment.

[Edited on Feb 13, 2006 12:50AM]
Rant! Rave!

Jesus fucking christ, I want Yazi back. I don't fucking care if she's going out with someone right now, if she says she loves me then she should fucking dump him. Aaaaargh.


Couldn't hold it in any longer.

Rant over.
Yeah it should be awesome, make sure you come and say hi if you see me smile Sorry you're having trouble with your girl frown x
Haven't updated for a while as life is shit at the moment. Huge chapter of my life feels like it's been fucked with a knife. Old wounds reopened, and all that emo crap.

Basically, old friends/lovers, old love both rekindled (or at least reminded of) AND requited. But still, nothing happens. Sense of worth diminishing rapidly.

Jager job training tomorrow, Should be fun.

Bought myself...
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Right, I'm out of bed before noon to write my essay that has to be handed in before 5:00 today. Fruit smoothies and pizza to get the mind going, and MSN had been made off-limits. Taken care of everything else, and all is good.

Work, work, work....
I'm in such a mellow mood right now. Just zen'ed out by fiddling with my Zippos and cleaning them up, something to take my mind off everything, and I'm now listening to Jeff Buckley's version of "Hallelujah". Sooo mellow. Think I'll pour myself a drink and kick back.
Halfway through re-learning "Space Dementia" by Muse on piano. Should be doing music essay. Gah. Too much fun playing piano. Need a real one.

Can't believe I passed up the chance for a baby grand for 300. Damn my mother changing her mind too late.

I'm gonna get a sustaining pedal for my keyboard. Space Dementia deserves it and needs it. Early to bed tonight....
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