Lordi just won the Eurovision Song Contest!


Finnish metal is just amazing.

All together now...


Now I need to find some Jager to celebrate with...
Some idiot's trying to harass me on livejournal... It's hilarious. Why is it that people who like to annoy folk on the internet are never able to type properly?
I wanna learn to juggle, how long have you been doing it?
Life is good again!!!

Feeling awesome today for lots of reasons, mostly because of the showing of love from my friends on the 'net seeing as I haven't left the house yet, and I don't need to!! Yesss!

So I'm gonna fone and see who wants to help spend the last of my money in the pub.

I want a new tattoo.
ooh tattoo!!! what you getting!
Life is baaaaaaad...

But getting better by the hour.
Possible spiking of my drink in clubs, lots of seriously bad vibes coming out of me for about an hour, getting pissed off with people, which NEVER happens. Damn, I'm sooo glad I left when I did, otherwise I'd have pissed people off.

Anyway, I have no money left after buying a Download ticket, a 3...
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Life is gooooooooood....

There's a possibility we'll finish the album tomorrow...

Things that were bothering me cleared up...

No work for jager this week...

Which means drinking with hot people on friday...

Music feels good...

Writing songs again...

Vocals sounding better than they ever have...

Finally figured out what the fuck my Logic tutor was talking about...

Actually figured out how to do the logic...
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life is good

being single tis not
My rant about the "Guy going through the front window of Solid Rock" incident, in comments on other's blogs:

"I later found out that the dude didn't go through the window, he just ran up the slope outside and cracked his head off it. Which left me thinking:

1. It was a fucking heavy window, dude. Running through it seems more plausible, from any direction....
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Aaaargh, goddamn, I need to update. Hasn't happened in soooo long...

Anyway, yeah.

The album's nearly finished! One more session to do, six hours of painstakingly mixing and dropping in synth wherever we feel it's needed. Just to make it that tiny bit more epic and rediculous. The last session was scheduled for today, but it had to be postponed cos my guitarist had to...
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Well, the iBook people foned yesterday to tell me that although they foned on wednesday to tell me that my laptop wouldn't be here on wednesday as they had previously told me, it would be here on thursday (yesterday). They tell me this at half past one in the afternoon, when I would have to leave the house precisely an hour earlier to even think...
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Thanks, sorry for your wee bunny as well, I love rabbits frown
Well, nothing eventful happening. Been in the stuidio recording the album, which was sooo much fun, but I've got til friday to wait to do more recording! Damn.

Sarah's setting my up with a friend (that will end in tears, as usual, haha) and I put 100 notes deposit down on my dream guitar. Red E.V.H special Peavey Wolfgang. *Drools* Should have it by the...
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