Aaaahhh. Aaaaaaand... Relax.

I was out at the pub tonight, saw my friend Sam from St Andrews for the first time in aaaaages, so that was awesome.

Tomorrow, I'm off on a quest to find Kopparberg pear cider, jager, and Falkirk. Blair's having his annual pissup and BBQ tomorrow night, so the plan is to get drink, go to Falkirk, get drunk, get home on...
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I love Kopparberg its so nice. Glad you're enjoying Lovecraft smile
Lovecraft's the ticket, man, and Kopparberg ain't far off it. Take it easy, duder.
Ok, quick post before I go to bed.

Still hungover from Edinburgh, need sleep. Need food, too, but there aren't any micro-pizza things left. Grrr. Going into town tomorrow to get some Lovecraftian horror, I've put it off waay too long. I need new reading material, and that's what it's gonna be. Might buy some new jeans, too. You never know. Anyone near Glas Vegas...
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Dude, you've obviously not looked through my picture folders if you think that one's shocking!!
Keep counting down the days hun, only a few more weeks til I'm back and you can all get me drunk and feed me curly fries again biggrin

Lovecraft is great biggrin

I'm going to be really geeky here and reveal that I used to play Call of Cthulu - yes, that's right, the PnP RPG tongue

Sounds like you've been having a good time. Wish I was back in Glasgow.

Apparently the Tommy Lee line of clothing will be available in Bloomingdales. In America. I WANT JEANS! This isn't fair. Let's hope they'll be sold here, or be available online.

An article about the clothing line that I intend to buy from.
Right, fair enough that they're pretty funky jeans but hasn't T-bone got enough cash yet? Ah well, I'll bet they'll suit you. How've ye been keeping anyways, man?
You just love my hair don't you? hahaha tongue You should. It's the sex lol.

Apply to join SGUK, I don't know when the next vouch thread is but I'll vouch you in and I'm sure Firefly would as well.
Ok, pick one of these for me....I'm going to my sisters to watch a dvd tonight and don't know which one to take with me.....X-men (the first one) or Pirates of the Caribbean (in preparation for the 2nd one out next week!)

Boo kissed me on the cheek last night. That is all.
yep me too!! god that girl needs to get in my bed!! heheh
biggrin (I have no idea who Boo is, but I'm guessing it's all good)

Goddamn, I'm fucking tired. I slept til after 4 today, and started work at 5. Finished at 9, and went home, had pizza and played my guitars. Felt like i hadn't played them for soooo long. Probably because I hadn't properly played (i.e. played and sang, or shredded) since I got back from Download. Feel good now. Need new strings for guitars....
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BWahahaahaha I love the coat tongue It's very......errrrm......well....hairy! lol

Puppy looks so sad, bless him, give him a hug from me.. doubt he'll remember me though haha.
How've you been? x
Aaaargh. My internet's being a complete bastard, so I need to retype this post (hope I remember everything):

Man, my body clock's been thrown out of whack over the last few days, which is a good thing, as I fully intend not to sleep in London. Thanks to all my friends, old and new, who have helped me out in the last few days, recent...
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Aw whit, man. You almost make me regret missing Donnington! I hope your London trip goes well, so take it easy and enjoy.
I want funny pics dammit mad *shakes fist* didn't you take some on friday of everyone at rufus? maybe that was firefly...?
I can just imagine you stuck in a cupboard crying for help haha tongue
Hit a really bad downer today. I can't thing about anything for very long, my mind's jumping around like crazy and it won't stop. Went out with Naughty_Firefly and Punk_Pin_Up last night, promised to show them around the best pubs in Glasgow. Met in the solid, had a few drinks, then went to Rufus, and Kenni joined us. Everything was going great, we were getting...
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We all go through these things at some time or another - you just have to realise it's never as bad as it seems. We're all our own worst critics, I know I am of myself!

There's always hope and if that fails, lots more alcohol! biggrin
A'ight man calm down tongue I'll be back first week of august!! Counting down the days..... hope you're all missing me bwahahaha

I just got back from a truly awesome 5 days at the Download Festival in Donington, and I'm fucking knackered.

1st day: Bus down. Took a little over 6 hours. Faffed around finding a camping spot (they had to eventually open a new site for us), set up tent, started drinking. Lots of Jager, lots of Kopparberg. Went shopping, found poi for Furby, found...
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Ah, jesus pissing christ I feel freeeee!!!

Exams are over. It's awesome. I'm going to the studio tomorrow, we'll be one step, 20 quid and 4 hours closer to finishing the album, and I have no plans for tomorrow night. Hopefully something truly awesome will present itself.

Now I'm bored. It's too late to play guitar, and I have no new DVDs. Any suggestions?
go online and look at hot girls... oh dear your already there! hehhe
One more exam to go... Tomorrow, philosophy. I'll be glad to get it out of the way, and focus on the resit for it. Haha. Plus, there's free Jager at the Union tonight at Pete's Retro Gaming Society night out. There's either no way I'm going to this, or no way I'm passing the exam tomorrow. And I've got a resit for the exam. This...
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