A friend, who is the one that got me started into modeling (both amateur and professionally), occasionally likes to take some of my photos in her spare time and play around with them on photoshop. She is super sweet, and a lovely model herself. Her name is Sanistra Demonica, and this is the latest photo of me that she had worked on. I just wanted...
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I know that this may seem a bit odd, maybe a bit pointless, but I must ask: "Who has my back?".

When I ask this, the reason is this: I would LOVE nothing more than to be an actual SG. Even just getting on as a "hopeful" would be a great treat. I know that I am not what everyone is willing to call a...
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Seems like some issues were brought up that was not exactly was I was asking, as they are issues I am fully aware of.  I will try to let it be known where I stand on these issues, and how it will not deter me from what I had asked; which, all I was asking was to be given the support of a chance, no matter how small.  I do understand what you are all swaying, and I do appreciate the responses.  I am not at all offended.  If I was offended so easily, then I have no business to ask to be given a chance, no matter how slight it may be.  But, I do not think you are entirely aware of where I stand, so I will expand on that in my next post.
Write to Vorpal. She does model recruiting and should be able to answer any questions that you have. I would be glad to promise my support as just another dirty old man but I think Vorpal will be more help. 
Meh, so....I broke up with my SO about 3 weeks ago...it was a long distance relationship, and it was terribly lonely while so called "dating". It is even more lonely knowing that I am not at all with ANYONE. I hate being lonely, so...I am throwing this out there...

I am SINGLE AND LOOKING for preferably a man that is very respectful and honourable, and...
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YIPPIE! Yippie!! I have a brand new sharp and pointy object to play with!!!
What is the new sharp and pointy object?
Oi oi! I apologize for getting back to you so late, but I have not been on since my last post of photos and blog. But, as to the new sharp and pointy object, it is my custom made, folded, black & red 1095 High Carbon steel, katana with red samegawa, high quality solid bronze Tsuba, Menuki, Kashira, and Fuchi all hand-plated pure silver and 24 karot gold accents, pure silk ito and sageo with hardwood saya and tsuka inserts....Getting more made, but totally different styles and full sets that are much more expensive than this last one....very very sharp!
Okay! Throughout the years, there had been various threads and posts on the boards of http://suicidegirls.com regarding transgender women; particularly, two specific threads that discussed the questions and desires of MANY about if there would EVER be a PRE-OP MTF Transgender Woman (or Kathoey/Katoey, if you like to be a fickle little bitch, such as myself).

Some have expressed, since there has yet to be...
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Alguien tiene fotos de beb de los miembros de la banda que estaban con Undercode Productions (Nega/PERESTROIKA, Megaromania, , Vior gloire, Dali, REALies, CindyKate, etc.) puede usted por favor publicarlos? Todas las bandas echaremos mucho de menos, sobre todo a mi grupo favorito: Nega/PERESTROIKA. Publicarlos aqu, o enviarme un mensaje. gracias!
almost 2 weeks ago I had started using the dietary weightloss pill of 100% pure Gracinia Cambogia that I had seen advertised on the Dr. Oz Show. I took the exact same brand, and exact same amount that he had when he was giving it a trial run. I did not change my diet at all (vegetarian *shrug*), nor had I changed any activities that...
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Well, I accomplished a good bit this last week...just not today...well, other than wanting to go smoke a couple fags outside sans clothes...which was...comforting. Planning on increasing my wardrobe a good bit soonish.
Umm..someone on FB is going to be in my area, and wants to meet me...preferably somewhere public...and he was already discussing about a "long-term" relationship...tho we have yet to meet...which raises flags...
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