I met up with an old friend this evening, we've known each other ten years or so.
Anyhoo, we went off to a venue and watched a gig with multiple bands, one being Drivechain, a band who I have been helping out on the art front for their last two releases. When I started this I was living in another city, and knew the bass...
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Anyhoo, we went off to a venue and watched a gig with multiple bands, one being Drivechain, a band who I have been helping out on the art front for their last two releases. When I started this I was living in another city, and knew the bass...
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It's late Sunday, or early Monday, whichever way you look at it. I dunno these days. I work from home at the moment, and each day tends to blend in with another. I'm currently trying to take the first 68,000 words I've written, and redo them in the style of a similar book my publisher is releasing before mine. What Fun!
What I can't help...
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What I can't help...
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I really loved Sunshine , i must buy it on dvd.
I missed the system shock games when they were out , i must go back and check them out. And i recently re-bought grim fandango after losing the original before completing it so thats something todo soon
I missed the system shock games when they were out , i must go back and check them out. And i recently re-bought grim fandango after losing the original before completing it so thats something todo soon
Bioshock is great, electrocute Splicer then shotgun to the head

Artist and Designer. Stuff is heavily influenced by Dave McKean who did the Sandman cover art as well as the film Mirrormask.
Ahh well i am currently in aldershot (shit hole yes cheap yes) but i am not from here. I grew up in Devon actually.
greetings, partner in crime housemate of the happy pig!
You dare say that Commando is cheesy?
Wash your mouth out!