Hey lady, hope you're well... sounds like you're going through some really rough times...
Here to talk if you need it; haven't seen you here in a long time and nice to see you again...
Well it's been a long time since my last blog but things are picking up. My disability case got approved so now I'm just trying to hang in there until I get my check which I'm estimating will be in about a month or so. And goddamn it- I can't wait! I'm barely hanging in there by a thread until then. I'm currently crashing on... Read More
Damn - well my latest update is this- I just got out of a month stay at the hospital (for the 5,476th time) with a brand new pacemaker and two artificial heart valves. So now I'm 29 and I have a pacemaker. How fucked up is that?
So I finally make it back to Austin and now I'm bored as fuck! I'm staying at a friend's house(who lives with her mom). I got here about a month ago and two weeks ago her mom got diagnosed with stage four cancer so the atmosphere of the house has totally changed. Now her and her mom are moving to Houston in 3 weeks to... Read More
So this apartment job is coming along pretty good. Underpaid, but good. I like being in charge. Now if I could only be allowed to use one of those blow tubes with the little tranquilize darts that have the feathers sticking out of them to sedate some of the unsupervised rabid children running around here I would be set. I like being in charge. I... Read More
Oh my God - shit might actually be starting to work out for me a little bit... I just got offered a job being the residential property manager for a 32 unit apartment complex in Phoenix. And since my boyfriend is a plumber and has been a maintenance man before he got hired too. Sooo, we just finished moving into the 2 bedroom/ 2 bathroom... Read More
My best friend Melissa totally came through for me in saving my ass and lent me the money to pay my storage unit bill so all of my shit was saved from auction about 24 hours before the scheduled sale of it. Talk about cutting it close! But that seems to be my trademark habit - waiting until the very last fucking minute to solve... Read More