I hate my job, but it pays the bills. I just can't afford all those drinks on the weekend as much anymore! Jackass 2 is really funny, go watch if you like the first one. I'm not ready for this cold weather stuff, this is very random so I'm sorry if you have read this far. Oh yeah, met Mastodon and caught their show later....
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how are you??

:blows on the mic: This thing still on??
People, please go see The Descent; fantastic flick. Nothing new really, getting shows lined up again, recording, having great times at parties, drinking awesomely. We're gravy again, or at least pretty close to there.
Aw shux, thank you!

Whoa! Where have you been?

Fuck, that's all I have to say right now!
Things were getting better. Sometimes life is just a roller coaster though. And as simply stated as it may be, in one fashion or another.. I currently share your journal sentiments.
Hopefully for me I will be able to begin work on the backpiece in December.. My latest goal is set for June 2007. If I havent started work on it by then, I'll go mad... Utterly Mad.
So how is life treating you these days anyway? You know, it's people like you who always help to keep me coming back. I must say, you are a refreshingly real person. It's a nice thing to encounter every so often.
Someday perhaps I may go back and update Myspace. I guess the "great wonder that is myspace" has failed to make an addict out of me. Eh, life goes on. Besides, I wouldn't want to miss the latest changes here at SG.
Hopefully for me I will be able to begin work on the backpiece in December.. My latest goal is set for June 2007. If I havent started work on it by then, I'll go mad... Utterly Mad.
So how is life treating you these days anyway? You know, it's people like you who always help to keep me coming back. I must say, you are a refreshingly real person. It's a nice thing to encounter every so often.
Someday perhaps I may go back and update Myspace. I guess the "great wonder that is myspace" has failed to make an addict out of me. Eh, life goes on. Besides, I wouldn't want to miss the latest changes here at SG.

Drama is a bitch isn't it? And no matter what you do to avoid it, it finds a way in sometimes anyway. And yeah, it's funny how lonely life can seem sometimes even in a crowd of people. Even if some of those people are very close.
And I have been loving the games lately. Along with my music, it has been a nice distraction from some of the general stress. And I will be sure to check into Trauma Center. Anything with a name like that must be worth knowing more about.
Oh, and no problem on kind words, I only say it if I mean it. I do hope the shitstorm clears up for you soon. You don't deserve that bullshit. You're too cool for that man. Seriously though.
Oh, and the respect goes both ways my friend.
And I have been loving the games lately. Along with my music, it has been a nice distraction from some of the general stress. And I will be sure to check into Trauma Center. Anything with a name like that must be worth knowing more about.

Oh, and the respect goes both ways my friend.

Son of a bitch it's getting hot around here, I like the summer for the sole fact that there is always shit to do. A new bar to hit, some new people to meet, and plenty of asprin being consumed the next day. The new place I got is sweet. Now I just have to get all settled and adjusted to the new room/roomates. We...
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wow that is a fine new profile pic. must be an awsome photographer 

shows n' stuff
Well, not playing 6/6/6. Too much personal drama, gonna have to forget that shit for a while until I can get my crap together.
I'd love to listen to your band's music


Feeling good!, My good friend is getting married in Vegas and I'm going down for the festivities! I'm so happy for him, truly a great guy, anyways, 6/6/6 we are playing with the almighty Arch Goat of Sodomy! check out our myspace page and link to A.G.O.S. ( www.myspace.com/daturametal ) Fucking sweet band my friends [feinds] are in!

The snow was fantastic 8) , got to slide all over the place on the way home.

First I thought you were playing with Archgoat! Arch Goat of Sodomy is a cool name
[Edited on May 17, 2006 10:22AM]

[Edited on May 17, 2006 10:22AM]
Just got back from a trip to Seattle, had a good time but missed out on the EMP. Oh well, going to get the band ready to finally record soon and then get that demo out there. Just caught Exodus here the other night. Kick ass band, great new album "Shovel Head Killing Machine", check it out. The Movies coming out suck lately so nothing...
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Thank you for the holdiay cheer and get well wishes.. I'm finally back from the dead.
So how has life been treatin ya?

So how has life been treatin ya?

Well, we are playing lot's of shows now. We got this battle of the bands thing and we get to open up the God Dethroned show. If we win battle of the bands then we get to play another big show that's not in a bar. Yah! Although you can't go wrong with a bar sometimes. Booze! Unrelated but I picked up this band Finntroll...
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Thank you

Your wish shall be granted
And super good luck with your battle of the bands gig

And super good luck with your battle of the bands gig
Sounds of the Underground trip to Seattle coming up, hopefully I'll meet some new people. The band has some shirts done finally and a couple of new songs in the works so that's good. Please check us out here: http://www.myspace.com/daturametal
or here:
if you've got some time. Sorry if you think we suck!
or here:
if you've got some time. Sorry if you think we suck!

Thats an awsome lot of gig you have coming up too then! You like Death, good to see, everyone should listen to death
I will go and check outyour band link now.

Thats a really cool site and you guys sound good, I love the drums, the intro for Crime is of the Essence is awsome!