Addendum to the Game Night 9 report, consisting mainly of the saga of Bed Twister (by popular request).
I took a break from Guitar Hero to behold a wondrous sight, the likes of which I had never seen. Six of the most beautiful women to ever walk the Earth were playing Twister, on a bed, rubbing against each other, bracing themselves against the walls to...
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I took a break from Guitar Hero to behold a wondrous sight, the likes of which I had never seen. Six of the most beautiful women to ever walk the Earth were playing Twister, on a bed, rubbing against each other, bracing themselves against the walls to...
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... haha that was great!! I'm glad you finally told about it~!

That is a really lush description of a place you loved! It almost brought me there, or at least made me picture it really clearly!
After action report on the SGDC Game Night 9.
Summary: KICK ASS.
I rolled up at about 7:15. I left Jacksonville, NC at noon. (Good thing I allotted enough time.) A good half hour was spent decoding my MapQuest directions, which got worthless fast in downtown DC. Good old-fashioned common sense land navigation helped me out immensely.
SaintInsomniac was a very gracious host, allowing...
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Summary: KICK ASS.
I rolled up at about 7:15. I left Jacksonville, NC at noon. (Good thing I allotted enough time.) A good half hour was spent decoding my MapQuest directions, which got worthless fast in downtown DC. Good old-fashioned common sense land navigation helped me out immensely.
SaintInsomniac was a very gracious host, allowing...
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it was great meeting you too! 

Haha .. where's the part about the bed twister?! Haha. Oh it was great meeing you.. that was a sweet testimonial you left me.. Thanks
Take care and maybe we'll meet again at another game night!

Boo. I just finished my profile, and pressed enter, and it cleared all the data and said PLEASE ENTER YOUR ZIP CODE.
Fuck you, SG profile Nazi. Fuck you right in the ass.
I guess my favorite bands will remain a mystery until I feel like writing them down again.
Fuck you, SG profile Nazi. Fuck you right in the ass.
I guess my favorite bands will remain a mystery until I feel like writing them down again.
No cigarettes in 27 and a half hours. Doin great.
Freya on Expert is kicking my ASS. I hate that song.

Freya on Expert is kicking my ASS. I hate that song.
Holy shit, my two best friends just bought me a Nintendo Wii today. Hence, they are now my two best friends.
They were before, but they have consolidated their power and now rule the realm of Bestfriendistan with iron fists.
I'm far too exhausted to hook it up... it'll be the 8th console currently plugged in, a fact of which I am inordately proud.
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I'm far too exhausted to hook it up... it'll be the 8th console currently plugged in, a fact of which I am inordately proud.
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Back after a hiatus. Kumpai SG!