HOLAA!!!!...Tu si que estas super GUAPISIMA!!......una fiesta genial!....y fui de verdad muy feliz de conocer todas esta chicas fantastica!!....espero de verte pronto....!!!...jajaja...
y.......espero de ver las fotos...!!. ahyy...!
jaja "behing the shoots by Deedee" aunque eso no debe preocuparte
pues eres hermosa y muchos deben querer fotografiarte (nunca faltan buitres)
y tienes el plus de tener fotografo personal tambien
I'm sick so I can't go to the hospital to see him. Which SUCKS, because I miss him, know that he needs the close family around and this fucking flu won't let me.
If there's a good side of this, I'm painting and drawing a lot because tv is terrible.... Read More
It seems that humans can live without stomach. The tumor had invaded all the stomach, and part of the esophagus. So they took off the stomach and that part of esophagus. Then with some medical electrician connection they connected the esophagus with intestine. It seems that intestine can slowly get used to to... Read More
Yes, everything's going to go well, indoubtly. We've got "the best" surgeons (they're always the best, everywhere you go). But hell, seeing close family in a stretcher is startling. All covered in white fabric, which makes him look like a defenseless angel.