I just noticed that I was still a member of this site. It seems that I've been paying for a membership for a few years without noticing....Epic fail
I'm moving back in with my folks with my girlfriend.
My girlfriends is quitting her job.
I'm probably not going to be able to get on here much anymore.
I hope everyone is well
My girlfriends is quitting her job.
I'm probably not going to be able to get on here much anymore.
I hope everyone is well
I'm going to New jersey for the next few days
otherwise things have been:

Things around here have been blah too, but I have this CD a friend made me with almost a thousand songs
so I have some background noise...although I've been listening to the same song over and over.
Have fun in Jersey.

Have fun in Jersey.
The last few days have been interesting.
On Friday night I think that I may have flirted with a Girl. I was at Bullmoose records, my favorite music store. The lady that was helping me was really sweet and we just kinda clicked I guess. We talked for a bit, I got her E-mail address. I didn't ask for it, she offered it and I...
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On Friday night I think that I may have flirted with a Girl. I was at Bullmoose records, my favorite music store. The lady that was helping me was really sweet and we just kinda clicked I guess. We talked for a bit, I got her E-mail address. I didn't ask for it, she offered it and I...
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Well done for saying what you did, just dont stay being miserable if its not working, honestly ive been there.
I love bad weather, i love watching rain and often go walking in it, my hubby thinks im weird!!!!
I love bad weather, i love watching rain and often go walking in it, my hubby thinks im weird!!!!

Personally i see nothing wrong with harmless flirting. If it's just talk than whats the harm in that? Especially if u were upfront and honest about it. there is nothing wrong there that i can see. plus just cause u are in a relationship doesnt mean that u can't have "girlfriends" outside of there.
I'm sorry about your grandma. I hope everything works out for the best there. It's tough to see someone u love go through that.
With your girlfriend, idk. I know if i was in your situation i would have done the same thing. but i would be doing the exact same thing second guessing myself. I hope things work out, but in my opinion if the arguement comes up again, and one of u walks off, personally i would say just let it go. I mean not every relationship is meant to turn out right?
Neway take care man ttyl.
I'm sorry about your grandma. I hope everything works out for the best there. It's tough to see someone u love go through that.
With your girlfriend, idk. I know if i was in your situation i would have done the same thing. but i would be doing the exact same thing second guessing myself. I hope things work out, but in my opinion if the arguement comes up again, and one of u walks off, personally i would say just let it go. I mean not every relationship is meant to turn out right?
Neway take care man ttyl.

I have spent most of my free time today, rearranging my computers.
I had a clusterfuck of cables i needed to straighten out.
I hope everyone is doing well.
I had a clusterfuck of cables i needed to straighten out.
I hope everyone is doing well.

man i hate doing that, and i only have one computer. i cant imagine what i would be like with a bunch of them. but u know if it needs to be done, might as well do it right? take man ttyl 

Last night I want to seethe new Harry potter movie . I really enjoyed the movie.
there's something special about going to a midnight showing. It just has a different energy, and going to movies is just kinda special to me in it's own rights. While I was at the Cinemagic in westbrook, I saw this Girl there, and she caught my attention. I saw...
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there's something special about going to a midnight showing. It just has a different energy, and going to movies is just kinda special to me in it's own rights. While I was at the Cinemagic in westbrook, I saw this Girl there, and she caught my attention. I saw...
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do you also find it sorta funny that regina spektor got so famous so fast? it was like... 2 years ago we saw her in concert, and now she's all MTV and shit...strange.

YEah, I'm pretty amazed with how big she got in that short of time. this summer she's doing a lot of big concerts deals. I think sure last cd was kinda lame, half of it was songs from her older cds the other half was newer stuff. i guess i was just hoping for her new cd to be filled with New music. maybe i want to much from people
Today was really bad. It started out poorly and only got progressively worse through out the day. I woke up late, so I had to rush to get my sister ready for school (Long term baby-sitter is truly the best form of birth control). So I didnt get everything done this morning that I need to. Massive issues at school, which I wont even get...
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hey ya kow u how it going wel from the entry i see sorry
makes u feel any better im ready to curl up and cry any moment bt thats life it will get ette sme day i guess thats what they tell me at least
well im going o get back to my lame night have a good 1
love ya

well im going o get back to my lame night have a good 1
love ya

new set...FYI
General update.
Theres been no really update on my mother latterly. Shes still in the critical care unit. Shes NPO and in isolation (translation= my mother cant have anything by mouth and you most get fully gowned up to entire her room). I feel really bad for her. I visited her Saturday. I was talking to her for about 20 minutes before she realized it...
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Theres been no really update on my mother latterly. Shes still in the critical care unit. Shes NPO and in isolation (translation= my mother cant have anything by mouth and you most get fully gowned up to entire her room). I feel really bad for her. I visited her Saturday. I was talking to her for about 20 minutes before she realized it...
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My day just went to hell. According to my father I own him $5,000. My father sees the word in dollar signs, so it was a massive fight. So now I have to pay my father $5,000, which I dont have. So my funds are going be low for the next few months. I have no idea what set him off.
Actually thats not true...
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Actually thats not true...
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if only it were that easy to not exist...

I want to buy a stockpile of lawn gnomes or pink flamingos, whichever is cheaper, but i would prefer the lawn gnomes.then i would randomly deposit them on strangers lawns at midnight.
Below is a little blurb from a story for that was brought to my attention by Laura.
Other then making me feel completely helpless and sad, it pisses me off. Can you guess why?
A child in charge of `6 babies' By Ellen Barry Tribune Newspapers: Los Angeles Times
In the chaos that was Causeway Boulevard, this group of refugees stood out: a 6-year-old boy...
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Other then making me feel completely helpless and sad, it pisses me off. Can you guess why?
A child in charge of `6 babies' By Ellen Barry Tribune Newspapers: Los Angeles Times
In the chaos that was Causeway Boulevard, this group of refugees stood out: a 6-year-old boy...
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So how often do babies catch on fire?
apparently high levels of flame retardant have been found in breast milk
SO tomorrow/today is my first day back at college..Im not ready for it.
what happen to the summer.? This was a really good summer. I did may fun things and meet many interesting people
apparently high levels of flame retardant have been found in breast milk
SO tomorrow/today is my first day back at college..Im not ready for it.
what happen to the summer.? This was a really good summer. I did may fun things and meet many interesting people