Billy Joel is way more awesome than he has any right to be.

Working too hard can give you a heart attack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack.

I also don't understand why this song makes a good beat for a rap song.

Frivolity, I say. FRIVOLITY

Thanks for the support on my new set <3 <3
I am anti-social.

This does not mean I have an inability to socialize, I'm actually quite good at it when I have to be, but I am no fan of socializing. I've just spent most of my life by myself and haven't found things improve much when I'm around others. I'm guessing the fact that I equate "antisocial" and "not interested in socializing" is incorrect,...
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Greetings and salutations,

It's currently 17:18 and I'm drunk and by myself.
Yeah, I use a 24 hour clock, wanna fight about it?

That's a little sad when I think about it, but I'm thankfully drunk and am thus not really thinking.

I have been an on-again-off-again member on this website and it looks like I'm on-again right now.
Booze (Knob Creek Bourbon to be...
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You're back! biggrin

I absolutely remember you, and I also find it hilarious (and awesome) that you remember all of this because my email account was compromised, haha.

I hope that you're well, and it would be great to see you at Gala this year!
Of course I remember you! C'mon now. Not cool.

I'm glad you're still the same as well (or so it seems) wink

We have a few things in common, my friend, including a love of Guinness and irrational social awkwardness. Welcome back to the world of pervs.

I'm J.R.
I fix things; specifically medical equipment.
In general, I'm just a huge nerd (I cannot express how true this statement is. I'm surrounded by Technologists all day and they think I'm nerdy).
I also enjoy being smarter and better looking than you, but I especially love self delusion.

I've been a member here on and off since 2005 or so, and recently...
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I just saw an ad for the Much Music Video Awards, and I recognized 2 of the guests.

Apparently I'm completely ignorant of popular culture these days.
I'm tired.

I'm just so fucking tired.

Fuck you, life.
I'm sick of all your shit.
Just back the fuck off.

Cats 'n Kittens,

Let's talk about good things, shall we?

1) I have a job. In a time of economic crisis and a difficult job market, it's nice to have an income. I'm making $15/hour, which isn't so bad for a part time job, and 16 hours a week on top of school is certainly doable.

2) School is going well. There's a couple of...
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hello thank you very much for your comment, and look into the details of the package in general. goes far beyond the common "it is always very sexy says.
thank you all the comments really appreciate it. kiss
Well I think mine is a male so he'll be around about 5 years. But if he ends up being a she then she could be around for almost 20 years biggrin
Show me how to create, because all I know is destruction...

The Not So Subtle Line Between "Against" and "Non-Belief."

I'm often misunderstood, but I can't figure out why.
I have many opinions about many, many things.
I am, however, not "against" several things; I just don't believe in them.

But often when I say I don't believe in something people start talking like I'm...
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Ohhhhh Cats 'n Kittens, sometimes you just don't have a choice...

This is a rant about faith... ignore if you want. The less serious stuff is below.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I'm an atheist, and have been for some time.

Now, I will state first and foremost, I HAVE NO ISSUE WITH FAITH AND BELIEF IN A HIGHER POWER. I may not believe in said...
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"Suffering" might be a bit of an overstatement, but I do agree with you on the whole. Personally, some of my best writing has happened when I can't sleep or when I feel a little stressed out.

I also like your "rant" about faith, and it makes a lot of sense. It's too bad that the fanatics on either side of the issue get all of the attention instead of people like yourself who see it far more rationally.

(Interestingly enough, "fucker" is in the dictionary on my computer. Go figure.)
Hector. That's a good name too smile
Cats 'n Kittens,

I believe I promised an update, and an update you SHALL HAVE.
(The previous sentence should be read with a deep, booming maniacal voice)

I left in October, eh?

In that time I: Spoilers contain more info.

1) Finish the semester and kicked its ass (it was difficult and brought many people's GPA's down, but not mine fortunately)

I'll try and get a good smile in my next attempt blush
That sounds pretty damn complicated...but you wouldn't be doing it if you didn't like it or have an interest in it. How far along in the program are you?