My computer decided to turn itself off a few times last night. I woke up this morning and found it off again. There is a nice burning smell from my power supply so I'm gonna go pick up a new power supply from PcLand when they open today. I hope that's the only problem with it. For the time being I'm managing to get around...
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This is actually replying to Tuesday. I was at a friend's apartment last night surfing on his Mac while we were deciding what to do, and his girlfriend saw me on Suicide Girls. She's probably a better friend of mine than he is, and she's usually a very tolerant and understanding person, but her initial reaction to SG was like, "What the fuck!" I showed her around the site and finally convinced her that it's actually a very cool place to spend an hour or two a day, doing more than just look at T&A, and she finally lightened up to the prospect. The fact remains, though, that most people are going to have an initial negative reaction to this site, regardless of what their opinions or political or moral leanings may be. Just think of the name - "Suicide Girls." To the unitiated it's going to sound like something completely insane, but the people who have been here and have looked around know better. I don't know your friend and can't say whether or not she will soften up, but all forms of social deviance will draw a negative initial reaction from just about everyone, no matter how socially deviant those people may be.
It's Easter weekend and I haven't done anything at all for it. I should probably be a good person and go to church this weekend. I don't want to be labeled a 'C&E' (Christmas and Easter) at church but it's better than never going at all.
Met and had coffee/hot chocolate with paisleyplaid today. It was a good time; we shared pointless factoids with each...
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Met and had coffee/hot chocolate with paisleyplaid today. It was a good time; we shared pointless factoids with each...
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I am having another super weekend. I get so lonely in this darn town. It's frustrating to see so many of my friends happy in their new homes. I get more and more cynical everyday and socially move further from my friends because of this. I am almost incapable of changing my life no matter how much I need and want it to change. I...
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You should listen to Richard Cheese and Lounge Against the Machine, it makes me laugh. Hearing songs like Beat It and Down With The Sickness sung all loungey makes me chuckle.
I used to listen to Beulah quite a bit, but I've fallen out of it recevtly. I never really got into Essex Green or any of the others. A friend of mine actually introduced me to Neutral Milk Hotel last summer. He told me it might take a year for In the Aeroplane Over the Sea to grow on me, but I loved it right away. If you're into Merge Records bands and you haven't heard these guys yet, check out Arcade Fire.
Wow!!!!!! Three comments in one day! I feel like someone in SG limbo. If you want to collect your prize, let me know. Otherwise they are all going to waste. Sucky day. I'm glad I only have to do this once a year. -dave
Dave's Birthday Edicts for March, 16, 2005:
- Anyone who wants to celebrate my birthday this weekend can leave me a msg and I'll email you. I'm trying to get something together. You will because you are as cool as I think you are.
- Any non-SGs who leave me birthday wishes will receive a kiss. ;-)
- Any SGs who leave me birthday wishes...
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- Anyone who wants to celebrate my birthday this weekend can leave me a msg and I'll email you. I'm trying to get something together. You will because you are as cool as I think you are.
- Any non-SGs who leave me birthday wishes will receive a kiss. ;-)
- Any SGs who leave me birthday wishes...
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I'm not exactly sure if I want to wish you a happy birthday with that list of prizes up there. But I'll do it anyways, and you can give the well wisher two kisses. Happy Birthday.
happy birthday!

he wakes up
sad again
wonders when the rain will end
she'll act like she don't care
cause to her
it's just a game that he plays I'm a super...nothing... no one...
going nowhere fast but I don't care all the times
he said he would
she never really understood
what he said or what she meant
he won't forget
what wasn't said
he'll find...
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sad again
wonders when the rain will end
she'll act like she don't care
cause to her
it's just a game that he plays I'm a super...nothing... no one...
going nowhere fast but I don't care all the times
he said he would
she never really understood
what he said or what she meant
he won't forget
what wasn't said
he'll find...
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Why don't you all know Sufjan Stevens? If you do anything for me, ever, go and listen to an album of his. Shit people. -Dave
My word for last week was 'alone'. My word for this week is 'stupor'. Not a drug or alcohol induced stupor ... that would be too cool. This is a gradual wearing down of the mind until it does not serve a purpose in society. Who knows, maybe I'll adopt it as my motto of the year. -anonymousrex
I'm feeling left out.
In related news, I heard a story about a co-worker of mine w/ the radio group. His name was Owen and he worked at one of our stations which was 2hrs away. We had a lot in common (both May 2004 grads) and always hit it off when we were working together (which wasn't often). He was a transplant from northern...
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In related news, I heard a story about a co-worker of mine w/ the radio group. His name was Owen and he worked at one of our stations which was 2hrs away. We had a lot in common (both May 2004 grads) and always hit it off when we were working together (which wasn't often). He was a transplant from northern...
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Sucks being alone, I know how you feel. By the way, your birthday is only one day after mine. So happy early birthday. Looking at your profile looks like we have a lot of the same interests. Anyways, I hope you find some friends, don't let yourself drift away.
that's such a sad story.
i felt really alone when i was in New Mexico. life is so much easier to deal with if you have a few shoulders to lean on.
please take care!

please take care!

Tuesday, March 1 10:09pm
Alone is the word on the week. I couldn't get a hold of anyone tonight again. I don't want to go to bars. Recently I've been having a hard time determing my self worth in this world. If my only purpose in life is to go to work and make money for other people, what good am I? I don't...
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Alone is the word on the week. I couldn't get a hold of anyone tonight again. I don't want to go to bars. Recently I've been having a hard time determing my self worth in this world. If my only purpose in life is to go to work and make money for other people, what good am I? I don't...
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Olivia Tremor Control ....
remember the beliefs we had back then
said we'd never change our minds
but oh, and then again
all the dreams were just early plans
well please, please
don't you ever change your mind on me
don't you ever change your mind on me
conflict in our heads makes us see
without the depth that we used to
all of the...
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remember the beliefs we had back then
said we'd never change our minds
but oh, and then again
all the dreams were just early plans
well please, please
don't you ever change your mind on me
don't you ever change your mind on me
conflict in our heads makes us see
without the depth that we used to
all of the...
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well, i have been looking just about everywhere. i would like to stay out of a cubicle. i even applied to be a field service rep for Cox, i was almost hired but they have a no relative policy there....and my cousin works there. argg.. i've found that some places aren't interested when they find out i own(ed) my own business, they think i will split as soon as i can.
do you know of anything?
i like what you had to say in your journal today.
well, i have been looking just about everywhere. i would like to stay out of a cubicle. i even applied to be a field service rep for Cox, i was almost hired but they have a no relative policy there....and my cousin works there. argg.. i've found that some places aren't interested when they find out i own(ed) my own business, they think i will split as soon as i can.
do you know of anything?
i like what you had to say in your journal today.