Don't suppose any of yous people would be going to the SGVA event at King's Dominion on Saturday? -Dave
Sorry folks ... haven't been much for interacting on SG. If you are keepiong score at home ...

Props to Anna for getting me through last night. My entry from yesterday came after I was able to pull myself together enough. In a moment of manicness last night I was able to get to the movie theater to watch 'Millions'. Afterwards I talked to Anna...
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This past weekend was spent in southern Missouri at the Parcel Hut to celebrate Nicki's 21st birthday. Stu & Jodie, John Koch, Adam & Greg Saplin, and Keith & Nicki were all there camping out for the weekend. I drove a ridicoulous amount of time in order to attend the event which was very enjoyable. If I had to do it again, I would still...
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Headed from Virginia off to Missouri tomorrow. Going to my best-friend's 21st birthday on a plot of land in the southern part of the state. It should be super good fun for all. -Dave
16 days strong smile

Have a nice time.
have a blast! biggrin
None More than Burning

While we pain and try our best
we're only left with wounds undressed.

The same demons that we face
one more reason t'make the case.
Are we crazy ... are we sane?
If only happiness we could feign.

You like sharp and I like dull
save us now from lives of null
I;m crazy...no question.

I had this dool sitting by the
computer the other night and I
was starting to get nervous and worried
because I was sure it was going to start talking
to me.
I'm serious.
I've come to the self realization tonight that I horribly low self esteem. Maybe I can fix that. I can't fix anything else in my life. -dave
Me too. Years and years of being
browbeaten & belittled seems to
have that effect on one.
Go figure.
I try to think about this when I am
in the mindset of can't:
If you think you can't do something, it means
you probably won't.

I am learning now that the only person
in controll of me and my feelings is me.
No matter how fucked up I was in the past
or those around me does not have to rule
me anymore.

You can fix things in your life...maybe
just not in the way you entirely wish
it could be.

For me, the things that I say I can't
to are things that I am too lazy to
try. Or scared to try.

Good luck with what's going on in
your life and take care of yourself.
Contact me if you want to talk.
Getting ready to leave for the weekened to go to my godson's baptism in Michigan. I'm flying into the Upper Pennisula on Saturday and returning on Monday. You won't hear from me until Tuesday. -dave
While listening to LoveLine tonight, I made a few observations as to 'kids these days'. Adults ages 40-70 years old are the main age group in charge of business & government. The younger population is constantly bombarded with how 'we' are immoral, out of control, etc. 'We' are considered the worst generation of all time. Now, here's for the observation. I wonder what percentage of...
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well said. In the school system I saw the utter lack of empathy for the "bad" kids. No application of Social Science to their situations. And when I read my own report cards, I am shocked that NO ONE intervened!

But, I will not let those years rule me forever. It's about time we all face our demons and the roles we will play in this world. Break the cycle!
I haven't updated in awhile so here's an entry from other journal from a few days ago ...

Okay, so the one of the hottest things in the world is a woman with a guitar or bass guiatar. Visit here http://www.bunnybass.com/e-zine/girls/00.girls_gallery01.shtml to lots of examples.

My personal favorites (in front of and behind the guitar):
D'arcy (Smashing Pumpkins)
Kim Gordon
Liz Phair
Melissa Auf Der...
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Victoria BC, love.

I used the word cooter yesterday.
It made people laugh smile
Do this now ...

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Amber Alert system used by police to let the public
know when a child is missing is being expanded to mobile phones.

The wireless industry announced Tuesday that subscribers can receive text
messages on their phones when an alert is issued. The service is available in
every state and is free to subscribers of most major cellular...
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Being alone is really starting to wear me down. Weekends come around and I don't see anyone and barely get to talk to anyone. I'm amazed with myself that I have made it for six months living by myself. I should have completely broken down a long time ago. At this rate though, I am gonna snap sometime. I spend all my time trying to...
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why are you all alone?
One of the news stories is that Pope Benedict has "fast-tracked" Pope John Paul II for sainthood. Usually there is a five-year period after an individual dies until they can be nominated for sainthood. In the last couple years, Mother Theresa was also "fast-tracked". Now I am not questioning the greatness or the legacy of the two most important figures of the Roman Catholic in...
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