aggregvated, anxious, blah, bored, crappy, cynical, depressed, frustrated, listless, lonely, numb, pessimistic
Yuck. This week has flown by with nothing important to report. It'll be my first weekend in a long time that I'm not out of town somewhere for something. Refreshing I hope. -dave
Saturday is the trip to Busch Gardens Williamsburg with the SG Virginia group. It doesn't sound like a lot of people are going to the event. My friend Mike from Virginia Beach is going to be there though so I'll at least know a few people.
I have been completely wiped out with work for the past two weeks. I've slept in my own bed...
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I have been completely wiped out with work for the past two weeks. I've slept in my own bed...
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Poor Dave! It sounds like you definitely need some time to youself to just relax, unwind, etc. A lot of people have needed that lately, including me. Everyone I know has either been pushing themselves so hard they don't even have time to breathe, or they're going through a lot of changes and trying to keep up with life.
To avoid the insanity, I try to have at least one day a week where I don't put pressure on myself to get ten thousand things done, and I just do what I want to do. It may not sound like much, but it works for me at least. It keeps me from going all mail-man homicidal on everyone, and it gives me the energy to tackle things the rest of the week.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. *hugs*
With meeting people and girls, I've found that things happen when you're not trying to make them happen. That's what I did. I just focused on myself and having fun, and that's when I met Lowell. I didn't put any pressure on myself or the developing relationship, and now I'm marrying the guy next summer. Life is funny like that.
Well, take care honey. I hope some of this helps. Trust me, next week will be better.
To avoid the insanity, I try to have at least one day a week where I don't put pressure on myself to get ten thousand things done, and I just do what I want to do. It may not sound like much, but it works for me at least. It keeps me from going all mail-man homicidal on everyone, and it gives me the energy to tackle things the rest of the week.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. *hugs*
With meeting people and girls, I've found that things happen when you're not trying to make them happen. That's what I did. I just focused on myself and having fun, and that's when I met Lowell. I didn't put any pressure on myself or the developing relationship, and now I'm marrying the guy next summer. Life is funny like that.
Well, take care honey. I hope some of this helps. Trust me, next week will be better.
Sorry I am not around more folks. I promise to be around more in the short future. -dave
::points at you like the evil monkey in Chris Griffin's closet::

he wasn't always evil you know....
thanks for now what happens? Do I ask again or just wait?
thanks for now what happens? Do I ask again or just wait?
Well wasn't that past week fun. Got back on Friday night and now I am headed out of town again for work for another 2-3 days. Working in Appomattox, VA, which is one of the more happening towns in all of Virginia. I'll be away again for a few days. Chao. -dave
Hey, is there a chance you could vouch for me for SGVA?
have a safe trip! Appomattox? where the heck is that?
have a safe trip! Appomattox? where the heck is that?
ugh. this week has been a complete drag. It has completely sucked balls in the non-sexual, non-cupping kinda way. I'm not getting much time off work right now ... working between 50-60hrs a week at the moment. That leaves me tired by the time I get home and I don't really feel like doing anything. It also doesn't help that since I'm out of town...
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non-cupping? haha
yeah i thought you had to have a reference to get into the groups. i applied like a year ago but i hadn't really made any friends or posted to my journal at all. it sounds cool as hell though.
sorry you are in an unmotivated state. physical activity for a solid week usually boosts energy/metabolism/spirits. kick your ass and get moving. hell, go bowling or something random.
yeah i thought you had to have a reference to get into the groups. i applied like a year ago but i hadn't really made any friends or posted to my journal at all. it sounds cool as hell though.
sorry you are in an unmotivated state. physical activity for a solid week usually boosts energy/metabolism/spirits. kick your ass and get moving. hell, go bowling or something random.
[Edited on Jul 19, 2005 7:31PM]
[Edited on Jul 19, 2005 7:31PM]
I finally got my bed & mattress delivered today! I ordered them almost three weeks ago and have been anxiously waiting for them. For the first time in my life I have a Queen sized mattress; I am going to be lost in there tonight. The delivery guy made sure to let me know that it won't handle more than three people. Sorry folks, you'll...
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If I could get myself a 'normal' brain I think I would spend about 90% of my salary on one. I would live with six other people in a crowded house. I would go without decent food. I would go without trips out of town and mini-vacations. Is it too much to ask to want to be socially well adjusted? I know for those of...
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From her neck to feet...around $460.00.
You offering?
You offering?

I got back a few minutes ago from my trip to Indiana. I visited my parents, brother & grandparents during the three day weekend. In my hometown we have boat races every Fourth of July weekend so I went to those as well. It's a time when 10s of thousands of people converge on the town to watch the races. We managed to sit behind...
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I was away all weekend and
there was no email from you
I'm drinking a rum and coke
right now, it's yummy.
there was no email from you
I'm drinking a rum and coke
right now, it's yummy.

Going to Indiana for the Fourth of July weekend. See ya'all in a few days. -dave
Have a good trip!
whats out there? family?
So I think for the first time in history, I have seen an ad aimed exclusively at the gays. Orbitz had a travel commercial playing on VH1 today that involved a male gay couple that were booking a trip to San Francisco all the while pawing each other. Finally, at the end of the commercial they link to the the gay & lesbian section of...
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I saw this AD on VH1 while watchign Strip Search, I was board and it was on. Was really shocked at how progressive they are.
^^^ That is a really good thing BTW
[Edited on Jun 26, 2005 6:39PM]
^^^ That is a really good thing BTW
[Edited on Jun 26, 2005 6:39PM]
Interesting, and encouraging. Maybe you've seen it but the United Church of Christ have run ads promoting tolerance and acceptance, as well, and they're a ray of hope in this bigoted nation of ours. There's a church with a huge line to get in, and there's a bouncer letting in all of the white males with buxom young ladies hanging off their arms, while turning away the blacks and homosexuals. An announcer cuts in and says something like, "Christ didn't turn people away. We don't either." It's always reassuring when I hear about things like this.
I am very exhausted so I will speak in short, easy to type sentences (actually not sentences). Woke up early. Went to King's Dominion. Wandered for 4hrs. Hooked up with Deidre, TigerWong, Capital, Fatality, Bredoteau & Hafu for the good part of the rest of the day. Had a good time meeting everyone and going absolutely spastic on the park. One of these days you'll...
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Had a blast. You didn't seem too hopped up to me. maybe I'm just a spaz.