I hate weekends. Nothing good every comes during the week. If I could work all week without being completely exhausted by the end of the week, I would work everyday of the year. Fridays are mostly spent trying to recover from the long week. Saturdays are spent sitting around doing nothing and being depressed. Finally by Sunday it's time to get back to the grind...
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Your best friend is really, really sorry. She had people over and some heavy shit went down last night during her gig that needed to be talked about with her band. She really didn't mean to blow you off and she apologizes. frown
I'm home for break now. Glad to be away from the rigors of school for the next week. Ends up I think I'm going to Alabama to see relatives for Easter.

Being home is difficult. There are some many things that remind me of my ex that it's difficult. I wanted to drive by the old church and go by all the old places we...
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I'm sorry.

it's better to forget and move until it's been long enough that looking back doesn't bring pain. that's my opinion.
Well, I went to the concert last night with Drew. It was the Gob/Simple Plan/Avril Lavigne concert that we were working. We were doing promotional giveaways of gummy bears and cd samplers. They closed the interstate that takes us to the show so we were quite late and had to do the promotion after the show instead of before.

The bands were all cool. We...
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Aww, so you didn't take advantage of the teeny boppers? You guys are too nice. wink

Glad to hear you had a good time though.
Information from CNN concerning fruit flies ... any I thought people around here were horny ...

"Pretty much all they do once they turn into adults is reproduce. Most other things also eat. Some organisms also watch TV. But there aren't any distractions from sex for fireflies."

Fireflies live as larvae for two years. "The larval stage is devoted entirely to stuffing their mouths. They...
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Hey, sorry about our AIM convo earlier. I honestly thought you were Liz. I didn't even look at your name. I saw the 'd' and assumed you were her. Sorry.
i feel ya on that brother
im all about the girls way out of my league

welcome to your new drug addiction
enjoy it
its a good high smile
Sonofabitch. I wrote a long journal entry and the sg site crashed and didn't post it. I'll try it again but I don't have that much patience.

Had lab this morning for 3 hrs. Didn't get everything done. Lab partner and I 'finding' the lab results somewhere else for it.

Going to Avril/Simple Plan/Gob concert tomorrow to work promotions for a music promotion company. $20,...
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Hey, just stopping in to say hi and welcome to the site smile I'm sure you'll love it wink
Hooray for Gummy Bears at least. Avril sucks. smile
Ah. My first journal entry. What wonderful things can I say about Suicidegirls. They're all the most wonderful people. Not to be sucking up or anything, but they all possess a little something extra.

Glad to be here, plan on staying around for awhile. Make myself at home. Get to know everyone and hope to 'get to know' everyone as well.
Hi Dave. B-)
hi dave!! alia informed me of a new member, so i had to check it out. welcome!! i hope you have fun here

xoxo zoe xoxo