I'm back again after a brief stint away from SG. Chaos and mayhem but now it's okay. Life's been going alright the past few days. I've been very busy with school and working at the radio station that I haven't had a lot of down time. I'm also in the process of recording/producing a band in the studio so a lot of my free time...
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Hey you! Glad to see you came back for more. Unlike Nubbs and my wayward man. frown
Okay, so life isn't so grande right now. My friend's aren't around in my life right now which really sucks. I just had a radical idea on how to free up some time. Spend my usually lonely and depressing weekend doing homework for the week and then spend the weekdays hanging out with my friends when they're around. That may just work, too bad there's...
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i am completely socially retarded myself, as are the people i choose to surround myself with on a daily basis...that's kind of how i've been since i was a kid-except for that phase where i thaught i was a boy-i was pretty outgoing then and like chased girls around and stuff...anyways, i've come to realise in the past few years that as much as i like people-i really don't seem to like talking to them very much at least not about stupid shit like some dumb party or getting too wasted and meeting some guy and....well i'm sure you've heard that all too. but you know, it's definately getting to be more fun to be me for myself- i guess all the years of the staying home on week ends and amusing myself with mostly musical endevors or silly shit like juggling has paid off, in a way. hope you feel better when you wake up, it's not easy being green, is it? biggrin
This sucks. I'm sitting here looking at my aim list and it's diminishing. My best friend moved and doesn't have an Internet connection, one of my friends left school, another is too busy nowadays to talk on aim ... everyone I talk to is leaving. They're the three people who I used to talk to all the time and now they're off. Yes, the phone...
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Oops, haven't updated in a few days but I've been pretty damn busy. On Saturday I ran all the live sound for a charity music event. It was cool because I have friends in two of the three bands. It was a lot of work getting everything setup and doing the show but worth it in the end. After the show, I took off to...
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I think that's probably a wise decision for you. kiss It never comes when you're looking for it anyway.
I finally got up the balls to tell Jenn how I felt tonight. Kinda got shot down depending on how you look at it. I told her I liked her a lot and that I wanted to see more of her (not in a dirty way perverts!). She said she was still dealing with issues from her last relationship and didn't want those issues to...
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I hate stuff like this. It sucks hardcore, it really does.
I know how you feel.
But then, it's better that she's able to say that rather than getting with you then finding that she's got too much to deal with to go on.
My emotions are/were all over the place because of work issues. SG member fjola wrote partly about the situation in her journal, then it escalated after that, and by Wednesday I called her and told her that I quit. Our big boss came down and talked to me for a couple of hours and we resolved everything, so it's all good now. I still havea job, and one of the people stressing me out has been fired (not just because of me, the boss was planning on doing it for ages anyway).
Last week was just kinda lonely but this week I've just been depressed. I stay plently busy during the day but when I get home at night, I feel like I haven't accomplished much. So I sit around and de-stress from the day but feel bad because I didn't get anything done. I'm not quite sure what I'm missing out of my day, but at...
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frown I'm sorry sweetheart. I'm here when you need me. And we have thw whole summer to hang out now, too. Give me a call. kiss kiss kiss
Kinda felt like a new journal entry tonight so I'll just run you through some updates.

-- Still trying to work out how I feel about my ex. I want to be friends with her but in the same breathe I remember what she did to me.
-- Things coming into place for my house and classes this summer. I worked a lot on that...
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Saturday Update: I finally got back to Terre Haute after my parents delayed me quite a bit. I got some stuff packed and in my car so I can move into my house next month. I've been filling out lots of applications and such in order to take classes this summer. I've got a list of about 12 steps to register/apply to classes in addition...
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I'll help you move into your place if you help me move into mine. wink I've got this bookshelf (you know of which I speak), and all of my other friends have little/trashed cars....
Well, I've had a pretty good couple days. I've been running around doing errands for my parents and grandparents all week. I have a busy day on Friday before my brother's play "Hillbilly Hankerings" or something to that sort.

Things are working out with the girl Jenn that I've mentioned in previous posts. She isn't avoiding me anymore though I believe she may have still...
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Tell Greg I said hi and to break a leg. smile And you're totally welcome to come over to my apartment anytime. We're having dinner nights because Rachel's boyfriend Troy loves to cook really great Italian food from scratch, so you're gonna have to get in on that action. Last time we had homemade garlic bread, sun-dried tomato chicken parmasian, and wine. It was sooo good. Then we all went and lay around with full tummies and fell asleep on the couches. And Nubbs is living right down the street from me, so we're hosting his birthday party this summer. It's gonna be a fun summer. biggrin
"Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed"

I'll have to say that some pretty heavy shit has gone down today. I found out that my ex-girlfriend and best friend is engaged to her new boyfriend. She's getting engaged to the guy she hooked up with the day after she left me ... which I may add was only two weeks ago....
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yea but that journal was from yesterday
when we were going out
but i will still host games and what not
i guess i should write a new journal
Late night update: I know now that I probably messed things up with my friend. I knew her enough that we could talk fairly easily but I don't know if we're good enough friends to overcome strife. Frustrating to not really be able to do anything about anything and to sit and hope that maybe there really isn't a problem.

I've got my living arrangements...
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Thanks sweetie.
I like it right before bed. You sleep better.
Ahh updates, updates. Had a pretty good Easter. Just stayed home w/ my grandparents and parents. I'm sitting around with my Sunday night televion routine. Fox Sunday (Malcom, Simpsons, Futurama, Pitts), Cartoon Network (Home Movies, Futurama, Family Guy) and Comedy Central (Dilbert, Gary & Mike, Undergrads). It makes for an enjoyable evening.

I'm sitting around talking to people on AIM. My good friends are all...
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That all depends on who you're trying to date. I usually employ a nice mix of the two. Or aggressive techniques that appear to be passive.