Sunday morning update: Going to see Ellen today. I'm excited and a little bit nervous but I think she is feeling a bit scared that I'm coming to visit her. I can understand being nervous but scared? I don't know what to expect when I see her. I don't know if she'll be doubled over in happiness to see me and kiss on me or...
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just about to update so...al questions will be answered...ooo aaa
Dave! I had no idea you were on this site, too. Rock on =)
Yeah for awesome weekends!!!!! Girl likes guy, Guy likes girl. Miscommunication keeps them apart. Friend helps get girl and guy together. World has happy ending. That was my weekend. :-) ( I was the guy, btw)

So ... the girl Ellen who I've had mention of several times on here has feelings for me as well. Big relief off my shoulders and I told her...
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eeek how dare you take me on....wink shocked and defeated.....but not yet sir.....just you wait when you least expect it!! mwahahaha!!! biggrin

good luck with the finals hun! biggrin

glad your getting it on with a lovely lady! wink best thing about long distance is when you see her next....bam!!! it will be amazing!!! biggrin have fun!

thanks first day went ok but 2nd was better, just need to settle in...smile

cool, first vote for black with blue! biggrin thas was the one i was leaning towards....we'll see what the decider is when everyone says! wink

yeah i'm kinda happy bout seeing my guy except it just upsets me that he doesn't bother to make the effort to do anything!! and i mean anything! i'm alwasy the one that calls him and txts him and does sweet things for him! i'm just a bit sick and tierd of making all the fucking effort and not getting any in return!! mad....oops, sorry vented some tuff that i din't know was hiding....odd what writing can do to you! ....frown *sigh*

*sniff sniff*.......frown
Good evenings to all. Been super busy with schoolwork lately and have even lots more this weekend. Gonna be busy moving Alia into the house this weekend. I also have a show on Sunday (RX Bandits, Fairweather, The Fight, Fuller) in Indianapolis at the Emerson. I'm looking forward to the show. So next week I have two tests but after those I can relax with...
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well have lots of fun! biggrin

hmm yeah methinks telling daddy i do softcore porn wont go down well! confused heh heh....
also i'm afraid $100 isn't alot over here frown nevermind......i'll just stay a bum! tongue
Tuesday Night Update: Alia and I are doing better these days. Alia is getting back on her feet again and planning for the future which helps her to feel a lot better about herself. I've just been keeping myself busy around the radio station, house, school. I can't say I'm feeling a lot better but I'm distracted for a little while. I know I will...
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Hey there, new housemate!!! biggrin
Well, I can't make fun of you since I don't know who that is.
A notso good week has turned itself into a really horrible week. Alia is not doing well these days. Her fiancee and her and having lots of problems and it's been a really difficult week for her. I've been trying to battle my own problems with depression myself and we've been trying to take care of each other. We've been sitting around the last couple...
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hmmmm.......well i hope you and alia sort things out! :/ frown not good to be unhappy!.........

good for the good results despite everything tho! smile

the last cheese thread?? hell no!! tongue

well drinking didnt happen that nite....but the next nite...now thats a different story.....just bout to update!! smile
hooray for 'american' afternoons! biggrin
hmm actually only one freaky comment so far!wink
Sunday Night Update: I'm having problems sleeping so I'm down on the computer for a little bit. Had a scare with one of my rats on Saturday night. Thought she was dying. She didn't but she has something wrong with her. Alia and I stayed up all night with her while she was acting sickly.

I did end up starting on the CD shelves on...
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hey, cool i will put them up then! smile i do al sorts of stuff do some live band stuff which you can see in my candids and i have some more arty stuff in the photography board photosets.....but this project it's pretty dark, kind of portraits manipulated in the dark room and toned blue (all in the dark room no photoshop stuff) biggrin but i'll post them asap and you can see for yourself!!

yeah i know bout deviantart i love it!! i have over 300 pics saved off there that i like!! i was thining of submitting work....do you know how i go about it and is it alot of hassle? thanks!! smile


hope ya had fun at the party!
Yeah, I was at Holiday World that night too. What a strange coincidence.
Making updates ... updating stuff ... da-da doo. It's Sunday night and I'm up watching Dilbert. I start classes tomorrow morning at my two schools. I'm taking an engineering design course and a geography class. Guess which one should prove more difficult? The good thing about the classes is that it'll give me a chance to meet some new people. Both of the classes have...
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You should burn me a copy of the Suicide Machines. biggrin
hmmm tools eh...wink *rubs chin*

i may just need you to help me witht that if there are mean nasty filters!! grr!!

Alright, a new journal entry. It had been a couple days since my last one. I wanted to give everyone a fair chance to post on my previous one. Today is Thursday night and I finished most of my chores/errands for today. I went to one university and got registered for classes and paid my student bill for the quarter. I then went to my...
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well glad things are going better, sounds like ur on the mend!! yay!! biggrin

just had to say......blue hair.....this wknd!! woo! kiss
!?!?! Dude, what's going on?? Who is this girl? Is it Jen? Are there new developments??!! Helloooo? Are you there?? eeek

Sounds like you had a good time with Eric. I need to get ahold of him and see if he wants to hang out sometime. We've really fallen out of touch. I don't know. He came to visit me this past winter and things had that awkward "I haven't seen you in forever and you've changed so what am I supposed to say to you" vibe. Eh.
I get done with my finals tomorrow (Thursday). Horray! My brother's high school graduation is this weekend and we're going to go to Holiday World (Theme park) on Saturday. So so fun.

I finished my 3rd of fourth final today and then was able to move all of my belongings out of the dorm. Glad to be living in a house where I don't have...
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aww...u did a desktop of me!! yeah go put it up if you want! smile

why cant you understand what i'm saying? i find that really funny.....what is that didn't make sence to you?? i'm dying to find out what makes me sound different to you!

I had an interesting weekend to say the least. On Friday night, Nik and I were tried fixing a development netBSD computer but weren't haven't much luck. So, we decided to take it back to his place to reload it. He had a stop in mind, though. We parked out back of one of the academic buildings, went inside at 2:30am and 'borrowed' a full...
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oh, no that would be cool....heh heh my very own desktop...biggrin

kinda looked at them before and wondered if anyone would ever want to make one of me..... surreal

go ahead, and yeah send it to me too!! kiss
Monday morning and I feel like crap. I woke up at 7am and I felt a little feverous but I turned on the AC and now I'm feeling a little better.

When I woke up the rats were happy to see me and Harry (oldest) even climbed the side of the cage to see me. They were both in my dream last night. I was...
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The rats have been involved in several high profile conspiracies ever since they got together. I would keep an eye on them if I were you.