Oooh ... long time without and update. But it's about time.

The relationship that 'had me by the balls' is now over. After much pain and agony on my part, I decided I can't see her anymore. She is neglectful and mean to me and I am better off without her.

Been busy busy of late. Putting the finishing touches of an album I've been...
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I am sorry to hear about ur break-up but like it has been said sometimes u have to do what u have to do..its cool that ur trying to get a concert for next week. Well just wanted to say hi we havent talked in a while later
We must ensure maximum sock freshness!
Tuesday morning and I'm not feeling real great. Slept for six hours but they will all filled with dreams and now I feel exhausted. I have a long day with three hours of class, two hours of prelab group work and another three hours of lab time. And all this is going to be finished in about nine hours or so.

General statement about life:...
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Dave, you never fail to make me laugh. =)

-adds this question to the list-
Guess who returns to the site ... (music plays) ... Dave82! After a two-three week stint of the website, I am finally able to afford to be back on SG. Looking forward to browsing through the sets I missed and hitting the comments hard on friend's pages.

Leave me lovin', having troubles with love these days. -Dave
No shit. I thought that voice sounded familiar.
*dances* Yea Dave82 is back..we missed you sooooooooooooo much. So glad your back hun
So today is August 15th ... the day I have been looking forward to for a long time. Here's what happenes today.

a) Finish all my classes for the summer including taking a final.
b) Start of my official summer vacation for three weeks.
c) My Ellen turns home to Terre Haute and we can finally be together.
d) I am travelling to see my...
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Love you, doll.
Seems about the time that I start getting really getting into the community at SG, I have to go off the site for a couple weeks. I just won't have the money to resubscribe to the site for another couple weeks. I know everyone around here is gonna miss me. Sqook, Alia, Cassie, et al will just have to contact me through other avenues. I...
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Bye dave...don't stay gray forever!
yeah i wish we would have done that.. we tried the night before.. but alas... job security i guess..

oh. terre haute, you must work at columbia house!!.. (like you never heard that before)
Suck. This week keep getting worse and worse. My night started dull and was on the way to getting really dull. Fortunately, Chad stopped over while I was playing LoTR Two Towers on Playstation and we hung out for a little while. Then Stu and Matt got back so the rest of my night wasn't doomed to be dull. I still have another hour or...
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Take care sweetie! Come sit on the end of my bed some night and talk to me before I move out. Perhaps I shall plot us an adventure, just you and me, kid. smile
Eh ... been feeling very depressed lately. Not having a television that works really makes your life seem boring. It was always good for a laugh. *Sigh. I will miss it. Really feel like I'm gonna cry tonight I'm so bored. I have a million projects that I could be doing but I don't have the zeal to go and do them.I probably need a...
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ahh yes the importance of TV...poor thing u must be bored and its not good to be depressed...*hugs* it will be okay dave...u will always have us!!!

Love <3

Aww, snooky-poo. frown
So I've been told I need to update my journal more often. The weekend was not a good one for my kitties. Shadowcat was run over by a car and she sprained a leg and has a nice bruise on the right side of her face. Her twin sister Rogue has been missing since Saturday. We aren't sure if the two or related or not....
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Mama's boy.
yeah fighting with famillies appears to be taking up the majority of my schedule atm! *sigh*

boy, erm were ok. havn't seen him in over a week and by the time i do we wouldn't have seen each other for like 3! so i'm a bit bummed by that! frown he's just the usual, non talkitive type, sometimes it's hard to remeber he's there when i'm the only bloody one that contacts him! *even bigger sigh*

thats why havnt been talking bout him recently because otherwise i just do this...frown so i bet you wish you never asked! wink

anyhoo, at least shadowcat survived the run over! frown poor thing, hope she gets better soon, i lost my cat 2 yrs ago and i still miss her! i'm gunna find a pic of her soon and put it up! biggrin
i hope you find/ or find out what happened to rogue!! smile
I'm such a slapass. I need to update my journal more, it has been almost a week since my last post. Our satellite dish broke last Friday so we've been without television for a week. It's actually made everyone a little productive around the house. I've finished a lot of projects this week thanks to the loss of television.

My girl has been a little...
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hehe, It's funny you never realize how much time you waste on watching TV until you don't have it smile

Ragarding your question:
A pack of cigarettes here, cost about 550 ISK (~ $7 USD) while a pack of pipe tobacco, which lasts a lot longer, costs about 1000 ISK. The reason for these outragous prices are mainly taxes, they figure that if tobacco costs more people will smoke less. Of course people just end up with less money in their pockets smile I smoke about a pack a day which means that I spend about $210 USD on cigarettes a month. I wish I could quit, but it's too damn difficult.
It's Monday. Update, biatch.
Just finished my day after watching X-men in class and taking a 20min test. Don't have many plans for the weekend. I've got a presentation to finish this week and a couple essays for a test to write.

My relationship is going well right now. Still in the new lubby-dubby phase of the relationship so there hasn't been any problems yet. It'll be another three...
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Watching x-men in class! Man, that must be a hard class you're taking smile
lubby dubby is good.
This weekend was an exciting weekend of absolute sloth and unrelenting sleep. I can't say except for a few chores on Sunday, I didn't do a thing over the weekend. Oh well, it's nice to do that for a change.

My relationship is going pretty well right now. Ellen and I are getting along well despite the fact that we are still miles apart. I...
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All A's! Good boy! wink Sounds like an easy class. I'd like to be graded on watching X-Men!
Tuesday night and I've been sick the last couple days. I woke up last night at 3:30am after sleeping for three hours and couldn't get back to sleep so I stayed up through my classes in the morning/afternoon. I was tired, not to mention feeling sick all day, ugh.

So it was an interesting day to say the least. My classroom was changed so I...
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dont go being a cunt now, a rule of cheating is that it should never happen! ooo aaa

somehow i think i mite get fired if my boss sees me slipping freebie stickers to a porn site in with fotos! whatever
Let me make a correction to my earlier post this week, I'm not going about cheating or thinking about it. I'm just still in single mode and haven't fully transitioned to a 'taken' mode yet. Also, since then I don't feel odd about what my girl told me the other night. We were both kinda confused about the conversation. I don't know why I feel I must defend myself, but there she is.