Random updates for my life ....
- Did a triple-play today at the radio station: working the board for a double-header baseball game, setup/took down equipment for a rent, and recorded dummy tracks for a band in the studio. Long day
- DJing and setting equipment for a buddy's wedding tomorrow. Not really DJing as much as playing what he wants me to play ......
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- Did a triple-play today at the radio station: working the board for a double-header baseball game, setup/took down equipment for a rent, and recorded dummy tracks for a band in the studio. Long day
- DJing and setting equipment for a buddy's wedding tomorrow. Not really DJing as much as playing what he wants me to play ......
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Why the fuck would I want to debug SGs site ....
Line: 101
Errror: 'tabs[...].length' is null or not an object
Just made it back from Phoenix last night after spending a week in the rainy city of the southwest. Yeah, it actually rained like two inches one night. We had a good time in Arizona and did some things like visit ruins...
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Why the fuck would I want to debug SGs site ....
Line: 101
Errror: 'tabs[...].length' is null or not an object
Just made it back from Phoenix last night after spending a week in the rainy city of the southwest. Yeah, it actually rained like two inches one night. We had a good time in Arizona and did some things like visit ruins...
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Glad to hear that you made it back to the haute alright, and that your break was restful. You should post more rat pics (did you see the pic section update that happened to sg while you were on break?)
Going to Phoenix and the Arizona area for a week on Saturday. With lots of pals so it should be a good week. While I will not be available on SG, I will have access to email. Have a good week folks. -Dave
Make sure not to forget the hardcore drugs. Bring pants too.
p.s. Forget the pants.
p.s. Forget the pants.
Word. I'll drop you an email if something comes up.... have a good break, mang. We earned it! =)
Ah, I again have reached the days where I have nothing to do and I can actually visit SG for a change. In the last month or so I have had zero time to visit the site let alone comment and participate in the community. Maybe now that things are getting back to normal I can find more time to spend here.
I was thinking...
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I was thinking...
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I'm updating from my parent's home where I am visiting for a few days. I finished my finals today which is very relieving. I am leaving for Arizona on Saturday for a week for a nice vacation.
I would like a woman to love. Simply, purely.
I would like a woman to love. Simply, purely.
whoooo almost done with skoooooooool!
Good feeling to be out of the haute and done, isn't it?
Good feeling to be out of the haute and done, isn't it?
So this whole week has been full of people doing/saying stupid things. This evening I run across a website where a girl is talking about how much she hates her boyfriend. Fuck! Isn't there something horribly wrong with this picture? JUST FUCKING LEAVE THE GUY! There are plenty of guys/girls in the world. FUCK!
So, like I said, my week has been full of these...
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So, like I said, my week has been full of these...
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Fuck livejournal. Too much gossippy crap there.
Anyways, glad the babies turned out ok. Cuteness!
Anyways, glad the babies turned out ok. Cuteness!
Newest update is that my newest rat Erin is pregnant and expecting any day now. Turns out she was a couple days pregnant when we brought her home from the pet store, but how were we supposed to know? Anyways, Erin is holding up in a cage by herself for the next month while she delivers and nurses. Poor Ecco (older female rat) wants to...
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What are you going to name the male rats?
Really fucking depressed lately. Haven't felt like anything, let alone SG or blogging.
hahaha, are you fucking serious? That's hilarious. (erm, about your comment in my entry, not about your being depressed and all)
Man, I love that guy, but he's just a huge handful sometimes. ;]
[Edited on Feb 14, 2004 12:48PM]
Man, I love that guy, but he's just a huge handful sometimes. ;]
[Edited on Feb 14, 2004 12:48PM]
Dude, you need to do something about your depression. I suggest therapy, but just getting some excercise would make a whole lot of difference. Trust me, I know.
I am relieved to have passed a major milestone in my senior project this evening. Now I am at the coding stage where I am adding cool features and cleaning up code. It's something that I should have been doing all along but I wanted a 100% working piece of code before I went about fiddling with lots of things. Horray for coding.
Another long...
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Another long...
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Wow, your sr. project team actually DID something?!?!
I've had an interesting couple of days. My car battery died in the middle of the week, so Stu has been driving me around everywhere. Friday we went and ran errands including picking up a new rat (whose name is Erin, again sticking w/ the SG naming convention). Afterwards we did a radio show together and then came home. Enjoyed a late dinner at Steak&Shake...
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Rural King fucking rules. I mean, c'mon, they have a fucking OVERALL ISLE.
Oh yeah, and if you're feeling desperate, there's always room in my bed. -wink-wink-nod-nod-
Oh yeah, and if you're feeling desperate, there's always room in my bed. -wink-wink-nod-nod-

My concert next weekend is coming along beautifully. We added a fifth band today so we are at five bands for a live show. Head on over to http://wmhd.rose-hulman.edu for more info. Faded's group 'Tritone' is set to make an appearance which should be a good time. On the same note, we're looking for a group/groups for our Spring. We are looking at major...
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Yeah, it's a good CD. It sounds nothing like us, though. =) It's up the same alley, though... it's a closer sound to what we're trying to make than intro5pect is.
It's been lonely around my room lately. Ever since Mia (pet rat) died this weekend, both Ecco (other rat) and I have been really down in the dumps. Ecco is taking it a little harder than I am. She mostly sleeps all day and never feels motivated to go and run around outside. It doesn't look as if she's eating like she properly should. She...
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Aw, poor Mia. She'll be missed very much by all. =(
Hey, the wedding wasn't that stressful. It wasn't like there were tons of hot bridesmaids to be hit upon. Well, maybe that one underage waitress was game.... erm, mebbe not. =)