well... wish me luck ya'll gonna get on a plane with a photo copy of my license but they said it would work i just have to take all the paper work with it and just to be safe i'm taking my birth cert. too, i know it doesn't have a pic but it is a back up... Hope all is well out there in...
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got my fingers crossed. kiss
well... feeling better now. will get a new id when in la and i have id to travel. Weather is crappy here ... but have no fear will be on the west coast soon...Can't wait to make crazy art and I can't wait to see my artpie. love
Life sucks. PERIOD. Ya think you're doing the right thing. You think that things are looking up. Then your wallet disappears with every form of id you ever had in it... and will the state help you HELL NO! Can you get a new passport? HELL NO why? CAUSE YOU NEED AN ID TO GET ONE! WHAT THE FUCK!!!! I've been trying for a few...
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That sucks...........I'm sorry your having such a rough time...............
our governments are pure . cluster . fuck.

i'm not holding out hope for a happy ending on this one. sorry for your situation, hun. frown
I am so excited... I am going back to cali once again... Can't keep myself away from the boy... Little worried about seeing friends up in SF cause i fucked up but i'm hoping they'll be ok. I know most of them still love me but there's one in mind that is really close to the boy that i may have fucked up with and...
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I see you
just stuck my finger down my artistic throught (or how ever you spell it i don't know) and puked up beauty... it's the first time i've submitted my work to a festival where i don't care! can you imagine???? i really don't care. i know it's good work and if they don't want it someone will. this is the first time i feel this way......
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Congrats, I'll probably be there anyway--now, extra incentive! smile
love you too baby baby
I found a hair of yours on my pillow last night.
Nothing could have prepared me for this
No amount of teaching or training could have prepared me for this awesome downward spiral.
How does one start so powerful and come down to the depths of darkness that is hidden in all of our souls?
And where do we begin to find the strength within...
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ug, and a hug.
I can't believe you have "Dancing at the Blue Iguana" listed as a favorite movie. That's fantastic. I love Darryl Hannah in that.
Life is beautiful... Maybe have a job in NYC - get my ass out of bumblefuck... Got a new haircut, think what's her face from Point of no Return, or maybe even Milia from 5th Element it's great. Got a little bit of money in my pocket and i'm flying home to LA for a few days to see my love... You know the long...
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how's the knee? awseome on the NYC job.
Born under a bad sign... Been down, since I began to crawl. If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all.... :-(

Thanks for the compliments! kiss kiss
Well the new year has started and how are we all doing out there? I had a decent new years but didn't get to kiss the one i love - though i'm sure he was well taken care of. As for me i stared at the tv waited for the ball to drop got a great midnight phone call from the west got stoned and...
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I am no where near as elequoent this morning either...
thus the reference to the speaker.

I'm glad your knee is better and love is grand.

Well it's been a week since i went to the hospital for my knee and it was doing really really well, I was actually walking and only wearing an ace bandage. Then when i woke up on tues it was as big as a grapefruit again and more pain than before now i'm back to the crutches and have an appointment for the orthopedist on...
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Any BIG plans for The New Year???
crutches are the suck. I broke my leg and had to use cruthes. They make everything that much more difficult, even riding is cars.

Well shit i gone and dun it...
Dun what who the hell knows but after work on monday came home and changed into some comfy sweats and low and behold... My knee was swollen to the size of ... oh i'd say a fucking grapefruit!!!! Now you would think that i would have noticed this, but there was no pain! So i iced and iced...
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well, crap! how could a dancer get in any worse trouble than having a bum knee!!!???!!!

i don't know how PA works, but in Minnesota, there is generally a county "general" hospital that must treat patients regardless of their ability to pay. you still get billed, but there's much less pressure to get it paid off.

Vicodin is fun, but be prepared to sleep a nice buzzy sleep.
sending healing vibes.
bum knees are the suq.
kiss and kisses make boo-boos better!
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
someone in the universe or something must like me cause i got my baby back!!!!! not only does it make me the happiest girl in the whole damn world but it also frees part of my brain to work on me. god its so nice for the first time to be on the same level with someone now i just can't wait to see him...
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Sometimes it takes some time.... and in this case it worked out!

well the day after my bday and i thank all of you who sent me love on my day... it's always good to hear... since i've been back in pa i've been working for my mom - thankfully it gives me money and i kinda fell into it but god is inventory and data entry boring! Yet somehow the continuous pace of doing the same...
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oh no! don't CENSOR yourself! biggrin biggrin

I was just making a bad naughty joke. (I sure was hoping that it would be taken in a light sense since it was meant as light and funny and I sure wasn't being serious!)

much love back at ya...

NPR saved my soul once traveling through the west, a light house in a sea of country radio-Peace miao!!