just a quick social question... where do all the shoes that you see on the side of the highway/road come from? i mean if i'm gonna hang my feet out the window i take my shoes off... any answers out there?
I never really thought about that, but now that you pointed it out, I am sure to see shoes every time I drive now.
Someone who is driving, realizes that the terrible smell in their car is coming from their shoes. Oh no, they stepped in dog shit! Quick throw it out the window!
It's been awhile since i wrote or really visited SG but i guess when your world starts spinning certain things get lost in the spin cycle (just like socks). It's 18 days till my birthday and I am so thankful that i will be going to visit my aunt in Maine... perhaps just what the doctor ordered. I used to spend alot of holidays at...
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You missed my birthday tongue
Sounds like fun. Hope you have a great day.
So i'm not going to leave as of now, i think this is a good place to vent. Getting into working in the family business hey it can't hurt to have an extra skill, though it's far from being a dancer. I'm actually considering getting my motorcycle license, my mom thinks i'm crazy but i think it would be fun. I know enough about how...
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So what be the family business?
Thank you!! and yes i am wink
Thinking of leaving the site. Not feeling so much love, not feeling like I'm participating in loving. I dunno I'll give it some time i guess. Hope all is well
meow. miao!! kiss
dont go yet.
got to speak to the boy the good bad and ugly of it all... there's still many more conversations to come but at least there's communications. and my little juliet heart still yearns for my romeo... can't help it. but things like this only happen once in a lifetime and i want it to happen even if it requires some heart ache it's worth it......
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So anniversary of Sept. 11. It was my first day of college at CalArts. Filled with worry about my NYC family. And worry for new people I had just met and who are still my very close friends. Why do they have to rerun the tapes from that day. I have a good memory i don't need to see it again.
Life is kind of sucking right now but it's my own fault. Needless to say my stay in NC is over and I'm back home (again). Looking forward to trying to move forward though right now it's so hard. frown
!!!!! you are gone already!?!!?!???

if you're cryin over it, why are you still gone?
been off the site for a while... hope all is well for everyone... things here are ok.... fixin' to get better... feeling domesticated.... much love
Nice to hear from you.
Well almost a month after my last posting... I'm a southerner now... licensed changed over and everything. Got a job (though won't be full time till Sept. so need to find another part time job). Loving my house, my kitty, my man and my life ...
Where did you move to?
11 more days and oh so much to do so why not procrastinate for a little while... Can't ship anything out till monday anyway. Getting final things in order... wish i had more time to go to the dance studio... wish i had less time before leaving... soon...
I see you... love
so had to write early this morning before going to work ,so i didn't have a horrible day at work. the short of it is is that last night i tried to talk to my mother about finances - yes, still spoiled and taken care of by mom, somewhat- all i wanted to know was what my total was, and why i was getting calls...
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I hope your lady bits come out fine when they're examined.

As far as the money goes,
Find out everything. get the records.
You might need to get a lawyer involved and you don't really wanna do that

Hey! You're a Sagittarius too!

Hope all is well. What a pain in the tushy having to deal with finance crap like that, especially with family involved. You'll make it through it though. smile
20 more days till lots and lots and lots of sex!!! and lots and lots of love eeek
Wow!!! What a great thing to be looking forward to.