Everyone I love wants me to wake up
and smell "The Real World",
and for a second I thought they were talking
about that show on MTV where seven strangers
fight over who used the hair dryer last.

But I couldn't figure out what that
had to do with giving up on dreams
of filling my pockets with possibilities
of one nation under poetry, indivisible,...
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lol. i love it.
the real world has always pissed me off as a show.
getting 7 ppl to live in an amazingly cool house. given jobs. and then they all explode. it is like they take the most mentally unstable people and throw them together and call it "reality." i hate that crap.
the emotion like a t-bone steak. great line.
anyway man. i'm off to work.
you really have a thing about mayonaise going bad don't you....
well if i am not mistaken that is number four and i was right 3rd time is a charm wink
it is good to see you are still up and writing...
really liked this line....
I sob, tears welling up conveniently in
the corners of my confessional booth eyes.
but like i said previously you know how i feel about your words
E eeek
Regret is for suckers, she said,
and I knew right then and there that
had to be the first line to a poem.

But where would that poem go?
Where would this poem go?

What twisted pathways would my words walk along,
tip-toeing across rope-bridge chasms
of false-starts, false-endings,
which I've heard from a little bird
named Talyor Mali are a problem
in slam poems...
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you already know how i feel about this one...
but i still have to comment
thank you for proving me wrong...
and ia ma glad you hate to admit it but it;s a good place to be...
was that elusive enough for you?
E surreal
dunno what to say.
i love the verse about imitation fragrences sold at wal-mart
There's a fine line between love
and a .44 magnum trained to your temple
as you walk across the room to refill
your glass of classic coca-cola
and forget to screw the lid back on
leaving carbonation bubbles to
swarm out and join a mariatchi Zepplin cover band
on the burbon filled streets of New Orleanes.

Why? Because my baby loves it bubbly.

And don't...
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There are times when a sadness swells inside me
locked inside a gated iron cage
that words can only rattle and shake
never breaking or bending through the bars
that guard that etherealness of feeling feeds from.

Its a sadness that lives in the space between you and me,
an electricity in the air between that is anything but static,
and Id like to bridge...
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Yeah. I love when you update your journal. Do it more often. Yeah. More poems to expand my mind with. More. Faster. More.

or whatever.

seriously tho man.
i love reading your journal.
I'm tired of hearing how all men are
macho-chauvinist-asshole pigs
just because the future lipstick-lesbians
of American are finally realizing
that deep down inside ultimately
all men do want to fuck them.

And if the word fuck offends you
then I recommend you get over it,
because though I am a man of many words
and synonyms for sexual oblivion
abound in plentiful pounds,
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You rocked the solo dude, i'm adding you as a friend skull
Maybe we ought to try and merge emo and hardcore together. I think the contrast would work oh-so-well -- such harmony and chaos wrapped neatly in a ball of duct tape.


Love the poem.
Flash Around the Clock

Spinning white bulbs of electric mojo
filtered through the ghost of Jimmy Stewart's liver
step outside the space-time continuum
and paint a fake Picasso self-portrait
in sound waves about the histories and precognitive visions
of all the dolphins ever to be made into tuna-fish sandwiches.

They sell their own feces in black-market hotel rooms
to constipated chimpanzees in gilded silver cages...
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Nice work!! I paged back thru a few entries and enjoyed your writing. I'm adding you to my friends list - I do quite a bit of playful poetry myself...I will be checking in on your stuff!

[Edited on Nov 02, 2003 6:38AM]
How to Meet Women and Make Them Salivate on Your Nipples

The national rope unwinding championship
has been postponed due to a factually-documented need
to build a rope-bridge to the moon.

Muppets are dying and we have to fax them supplies,
barrels of papier-mch stockings filled with grain
and fuzzy pig-flavored condoms to cut down on the noise pollution
of a hundred screaming lint balls...
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woah! surreal youv'e created some super hybred of crazyness
I won't try to explain my romantic situation.

I'm going to see my ex-girlfriend tonight though, and damned if I'm not always still attracted to her when I see her. She has a very, very nice body.

Here's a poem:

Hello, my name is Justin and I'm a wordaholic.
I've been riding under a covered wagon for 22 years
bound for Oregon Trails of Tears...
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again.. **mental orgasm**
i just about died when i read :

the supple strokable spine of that
black leather coated lady known as
the New Oxford Unabridged
and all those voluptuous words in her cavities.

Words that I want to fuck and suck,
beat and batter, rape and ravage,
lick and stick where they don't belong.

Words written in blood on tile walls about the most sick and twisted fantasies
of serial killers sleeping in stacks of bloody, soiled panties

thank goodness for this towel, my brain hurts and now i need a ciggarette, and that's horrible when you don't even smoke
Well, I can understand where you are man. My girlfriend of a year just moved out because she wasn't ready to commit... As lame as it sounds, I guess that's why I signed up here, needed someplace to vent.

If you need a shoulder to lean on, I am definitely here.
Holy fucking crap.

I dunno how fantasy-land we were, because she's being tortorous and won't tell me, but Anna basically just implied that she'ld like me to move in with her in SC.

And moreover, I'm sorely tempted to go. School and such be damned.

Why shouldn't I go after what I want in life rather than following the track that is the conventional, standard,...
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songs:ohia *drool*
updateyour journal!
any how you zebra wanting MF
i know i asked but what ever here is the link or you can visit my journal too
what ever!
all YOUR fault
E tongue
Ode to Unheard Voices

This is a poem for the poems that will not be heard.

The epics that stretch the fibers of strands of hair
that stand erect on the back of listeners necks
flexing in time to the beat, the beat, the beat, the beat
of a rhythmic rhyme drum line
that still cannot stretch the plexiglass of time limits.

This is a...
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Layered Voices

A voice in the back of my heads says
that no amount of crotch-grabbing,
no amount of staged sexual innuendo
no amount of pelvic thrust
no amount of fuckity fucking up my poem
will make me harmonize smoothly
with the slam chorus.

Its like a bunch of Greeks
in tragic masks are pointing fingers
singing operatic stanzas in four-four time
about the dying...
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I want a copy
i have no words to tell you what that was
but i enjoyed it and now my head hurts but in that good way,
you really have a way of expressing your self
and of amazing me every time.